Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then practice each role.
課題: 先生の後に続いてくり返した後、それぞれの役を練習してみましょう。
Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
課題: 先生の後に続いてくり返した後、今度はひとりで発音してみましょう。
Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud again by yourself.
課題: 先生の後に続いてくり返した後、今度はひとりで発音してみましょう。
Activity : Make short dialogues with your tutor for the following situations.
練習: 下記の状況において、先生と短いダイアログを作ってみましょう。
1. You are at a shopping mall in Los Angeles. You want to buy five binders for your co-workers. They are $10.00 each.
2. You found some nice iPhone covers at a shop. You want to buy three of those for yourself. They are $30.00 each.
3. What do you want to buy when you go abroad? You decide the situation. 海外では何を買いたいですか? 場面設定をしてロールプレイしましょう。
e.g. You want to buy ( ). They are $( ) each.