■ To initiate small talk and keep the conversation going.
■ To talk about recent news and give details.
■ To read an article and discuss the topic.
■ This is based on the ability to read aloud with understandable pronunciation and intonation.
1. Read the title out loud and explain what it means within 1 minute.
2. Read the article out loud. Your tutor will be checking your pronunciation.
3. Read and answer the questions given.
4. Your tutor will ask you a question. Answer it then listen to your tutor's reply and respond accordingly.
Many students at single gender schools point to the lack of opposite gender as an enormous advantage.
Many students find it easier to focus on academics when they aren’t distracted by members of the opposite gender. Others may find it easier to participate actively in classes where everyone is the same gender. Others enjoy the camaraderie that often connects classmates at single-gender schools.
But that advantage can also be a disadvantage.
In addition, although it may be easier for students to participate actively and do well academically at a single gender institution, the real world is not single gender. It may prove difficult for students from single gender schools to adjust to a co-ed work atmosphere after they graduate.
Co-ed schools are likely to offer you more in the way of student diversity. Having both men and women in classes allow students of both genders to interact with a wider range of people and learn how to work with and talk to people of the opposite gender.
However, the mixing of the genders can also serve as a disadvantage for some students at co-ed schools. Students who are intimidated by the opposite gender may find it difficult to participate in class at co-ed schools.