Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then practice each role.
課題: 先生の後に続いてくり返した後、それぞれの役を練習してみましょう。
Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
課題: 先生の後に続いてくり返した後、今度はひとりで発音してみましょう。
Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud again by yourself.
課題: 先生の後に続いてくり返した後、今度はひとりで発音してみましょう。
Activity1 : Choose the correct phrases and complete the sentences below.
練習1: 正しい語句を選び文章を完成させましょう。
1. The most important thing is ( in order not to give up / not give up / not to give up ).
2. He decided ( to not go there / not go there / not to go there ) alone.
3. We agreed ( to not do business / do not business / not to do business / not doing business ) with the company.
4. He put the glass on the table carefully ( so not to break / in order to break / in order not to break / to not break ) it.
Activity2 : Which is correct as a response to A’s statement, (1) or (2)?
練習2: Aの発言に対する返答として正しい文は(1)(2)のどちらでしょう。
A: I’m very sleepy, but I have to study more because I have a test tomorrow.
B: (1) Studying is of course important, but try not to stay up late.
(2) Studying is of course important, but don’t try to stay up late.