Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then practice each role.
課題: 先生の後に続いてくり返した後、それぞれの役を練習してみましょう。
Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
課題: 先生の後に続いてくり返した後、今度はひとりで発音してみましょう。
Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud again by yourself.
課題: 先生の後に続いてくり返した後、今度はひとりで発音してみましょう。
Activity : Which proverbs will you use in the following situations?
練習: 各シチュエーションで使われていることわざは何でしょうか?
1. (talking to your friend) You’ve got only one interview so far. I think you should keep trying hard!
2. (Your friend is anxious about a date with her new boyfriend) I’m sure you’ll have a good time! Don’t you know what they say…?
3. Thanks for helping me with the assignment. This sure is what they say…
4. Everyone in the office has been so lazy since the boss went on a business trip. I know there’s a saying…