Instructions: Repeat after your tutor.
課題: 先生の後について繰り返しましょう。
Tina and Shunsuke are about to meet up for the first time. They are talking on the phone before that.
Instructions: First repeat after the tutor and then practice each role.
課題: 先生の後について繰り返した後、それぞれの役を練習してみましょう。
Instructions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud again by yourself.
課題: 先生の後について繰り返した後、今度はひとりで発音してみましょう。
Instructions: Introduce your teacher and your classmates in the classroom to your tutor.
課題: 教室にいる先生と友達を紹介しましょう。
★sitting, standing, talking to a student