News Discussion
[Corona ni Makeruna] Try Osaka’s Pachinko Parlors for your COVID-19 Vaccine!

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

[Corona ni Makeruna] Try Osaka’s Pachinko Parlors for your COVID-19 Vaccine!

Directions: Read the following article aloud.

A COVID-19 vaccine clinic was held at an unlikely location in Kita-ku, Osaka, on September 13 and 14. A vaccination program for employees and residents was conducted for two days at the Freedom Tenroku Pachinko Parlor in Tenjinbashi-suji shopping district, known to be one of the longest shopping streets in Japan.

The move is part of a workplace initiative encouraging the vaccination of company employees and their families, and often including residents of the neighborhood around the company’s location. Yet even so, it’s quite unusual that the choice of venue for the vaccines would be pachinko parlors.

On any normal day, a cacophony of sounds from the slot machines dominates the shop. But on this day, people waiting to be inoculated sat quietly in front of the pachinko machines, one in every other seat to respect “social distancing”.

A man in his twenties working for a nearby manufacturer said, “It’s basically the first time that I have come into a pachinko parlor.”

Looking relieved, he added, “I finally got the vaccine.”

A total of 1,500 vaccines had been prepared for this day’s program, and all were booked up before September 14, the second day of the vaccination.

Shinjiro Naito (50) of Avance Co. Ltd., which manages the shop said, “a pachinko parlor tends to give a negative impression, but I’m glad I was able to contribute to the community.”

Source:[Corona ni Makeruna] Try Osaka’s Pachinko Parlors for your COVID-19 Vaccine!

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. dominate 支配する、覆う、権勢をふるう、牛耳る、~より優位に立つ、~の中で最も重要である
In Asahigaoka park, sunflowers dominate the landscape from the end of July to early October.
2. unlikely 思いもよらない、縁のなさそうな、ありそうにない、考えにくい、見込みがない
This case is unlikely to go to court because there is no clear evidence.
3. encourage 推奨する、働きかける、励ます、~するように勧める、背中を押す
My tutor encouraged me to read some novels in English everyday.
4. even so (前の文を受けて) たとえそうであっても、であるにもかかわらず
He is still new here, but even so he should have known that what he was doing was wrong.
5. relieved ホッとした、安心した、安堵した
I was shocked when I heard you had a car accident, but I’m relieved to know you are OK.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. Who got the vaccine at the pachinko parlor other than company employees and their families?
2. How did the people keep “social distance” while they are waiting for their turns?
3. Have you been fully vaccinated for COVID-19?
4. The government is planning to have a system that allows you to travel when you have been fully vaccinated. Do you have any thoughts about this?

日本語関連記事:パチンコ店でワクチン接種 大阪の商店街、近隣住民も


