News Discussion
[Hidden Wonders of Japan]
Reminisce 2021 with Dolls of Shohei Ohtani, Tokyo Olympics, Vaccines

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

[Hidden Wonders of Japan]
Reminisce 2021 with Dolls of Shohei Ohtani, Tokyo Olympics, Vaccines

Directions: Read the following article aloud.

Since 1946, Mataro Ningyo has been making dolls that reflect the highlights and newsworthy people of the year, in a fun way to remember the year that just passed!

On November 25, traditional doll maker Mataro Ningyo in Tokyo’s Ueno district unveiled this year’s kawaribina, and they provide a terrific reflection on the people and events we marveled at and celebrated in 2021.

Kawaribina literally means “unusual dolls” or “dolls that change (every year).” Mataro Ningyo has been making these seasonal year-end memorial dolls annually since 1946. The then- shop founder, Kanabyashi Mataro, was looking for a way to express the views and feelings of the public. The company has been presenting kawaribina annually ever since, portraying the people or events that were in the news over the past year.

There are six themes this year. Right in front you’ll find baseball star Shohei Ohtani (27) of the Los Angeles Angels, who played superbly as both pitcher and fielder​ and was selected as the American League’s MVP (Most Valued Player).

Next to Ohtani you can find a person is being vaccinated by a nurse, reflecting the importance of combating the COVID-19 virus that was a global focus of attention. There were also two young skateboarders Yuto Horigome (22) and Momiji Nishiya (14), who won gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics, and Dr. Syukuro Manabe, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Other highlights include Ueno Zoo’s beloved panda twins, and star Hideki Matsuyama, the first Japanese golfer to win the major men’s 2021 Masters golf championship.

The kawaribina are usually about 12 to 16 centimeters high. The piece that got the most attention was probably the one entitled “Throw! Hit! Showtime” featuring popular baseball player Shohei Ohtani in a uniform with a ball and a bat next to a female fan.

As the 59-year-old company president Kenji Kanabayashi said, “Last year’s kawaribina was dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, but this year we have more of a sports’ presence. Let’s hope there will be more bright news next year!”

The dolls are exhibited at the Shintaro Doll Hall in Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo. From December 1, 2021 to March 3, 2022, the day of Girl’s Festival, when it’s customary to display dolls for little girls in the family.

Source:[Hidden Wonders of Japan]Reminisce 2021 with Dolls of Shohei Ohtani, Tokyo Olympics, Vaccines

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. literally 文字通り
There are literally thousands of people on at the airport to see Shohei Otani.
2. superbly 見事に、優れて、素晴らしく、とびきり、豪華に
He superbly sang his songs from his number one album which won the Grammy Awards.
3. be vaccinated ワクチン接種を受ける
New research shows that adults who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 rarely die from the disease.
4. get attention 注目を浴びる、注目される
Some people make up stories about themselves and show off to get attention.
5. dominate (話題などの)中心となる、権勢を振るう、支配する、優位に立つ、最も重要である
Hurricanes dominated the news this week.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What are the six themes of Kawaribina that are selected to reflect on the people and events in 2021?
2. Which one would you like to have at your home?
3. What theme would you add to this year’s Kawaribina?
4. How do you celebrate New Year?

日本語関連記事:二刀流大谷、変わりびなに ワクチン、東京五輪も題材


変わりびなは高さ12~16センチ。「投げた!打った!ショータイム」と題した作品は、ボールとバットを持ったユニホーム姿の大谷選手とファンの女性を並べた。 他の作品は、新型コロナウイルス対策の切り札として注目されたワクチン接種や、東京五輪の新種目スケートボードで金メダルを獲得した堀米雄斗選手(22)と西矢椛選手(14)など。

