News Discussion
Shohei Ohtani: How Dedication to Quality Sleep Drives Success

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Shohei Ohtani: How Dedication to Quality Sleep Drives Success

Directions: Read the following article aloud.

On March 30 (31 JST), Major League Baseball's regular season began in the United States. Shohei Ohtani, the two-way superstar of the Los Angeles Angels, took to the field against the Oakland Athletics as a starting pitcher and a designated hitter.

Behind the scenes, the two-way player's performance is aided by his commitment to quality sleep. An established Japanese company supports Ohtani's sleeping environment, providing him with a custommade mattress and pillow. He even brings the company's portable mattress when traveling with his team.

360-Degree Visualization of the Body

Bedding manufacturer Nishikawa was founded in 1566. Ohtani has been using its mattresses since the beginning of his professional career with Nippon Professional Baseball's Hokkaido Nipponham Fighters. In 2017, he signed a "Sleep Conditioning Support Contract" with the company.

To develop mattresses and pillows that best fit his body, Nishikawa quantifies Ohtani's body shape. The company takes regular measurements using cutting-edge equipment that enables 360-degree visualization of the body's muscles, skeletal structure, and any misalignments. In fact, it has already collected 1.2 million pieces of data on Ohtani.

Currently, Ohtani is using Nishikawa's top-of-the-line "Air SX Regular Type" mattress. According to Nishikawa, "It combines flexibility to conform to body lines, firmness to support the body, and high elasticity that makes it easy [for the sleeper] to turn over."

The company carefully adjusted the height of Ohtani's pillow by taking measurements as he lay on his back and side. The pillow's shape is also a perfect fit for his body. Naps in his Training Schedule

Ohtani has continued to use Nishikawa's mattresses and pillows after joining the Angels in 2018, due in part to the long distances he travels for games. During the World Baseball Classic (WBC) in March, he used Nishikawa's "Air Portable Mobile Mattress Pro," a portable mattress that can be placed on top of another mattress to support comfortable sleep.

In an interview video that Nishikawa released last year, Ohtani revealed that he takes naps as part of his training routine in MLB, which has a 162-game season.

"In Major League Baseball, many games are played consecutively. So if I don't take naps, I won't be able to recover in time. I make sure to get a good amount of sleep at night, and in addition to that, I take naps during the day."

The company states that Ohtani "considers sleep as part of his training and is conscious of getting quality sleep as a time for his body to recover" and that he is "an earnest athlete who does everything he can to perform at his best."

Source:Shohei Ohtani: How Dedication to Quality Sleep Drives Success
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. quality 質の高い、良質の、高品質の、素晴らしい、(量と区別した)質、品質
Married couples should spend quality time alone together.
2. Make it easy for ~ to … ~(人・物)が…しやすいようにする
Bigger icons make it easy for older people to use smartphones.
3. due in part to 一つには~が理由・原因で、~も手伝って
His success in the fashion business was due in part to his fame as a musician.
4. A good amount of かなりの量の
Her TikTok videos get a good amount of shares.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What contract did Otani make with the bedding manufacturer Nishikawa in 2017?
2. How does he describe the importance of sleep for his performance?
3. How much sleep do you need to function at your best?
4. What do you do to have better sleep?

大谷、活躍の陰に「睡眠」へのこだわり 特注のマットレスと枕でシーズン中もしっかり回復



大谷はプロ野球の日本ハム入団以来、室町時代の永禄9(1566)年に創業した寝具メーカー「西川」のマ ットレスなどを愛用しており、2017年には同社と「睡眠コンディショニングサポート契約」を締結。同社 は大谷の睡眠環境をサポートするため、特注サイズのマットレスやオーダーメードの枕を提供している。

同社では、大谷が使用するための寝具の測定を定期的に実施している。測定では全身の筋肉や骨格、身体のゆがみなど360度可視化できる最新の計測器を使用。「大谷選手の体形を数値化して、体にあったマットレスと、それにあわせた枕も導き出している 」(同社)といい、計測する身体的なデータは約120万にも及ぶ。

大谷に現在提供しているのは、同社の最上位モデルのマットレス「エアーSX レギュラータイプ」。同社によると、「ボディラインにフィットする柔軟性と、しっかりと身体を支える硬度、寝返りしやすい高弾力性を兼ね備えている」という。また枕は、大谷に仰向けや横向きになってもらった上で高さを調整し、体にあった形状を完成させたという。


現在所属している大リーグ・エンゼルスでは、遠征先への移動距離が長いこともあり、同社のマットレスや枕 を継続して使用。また3月に開催された「ワールド・ベースボール・クラシック」(WBC)の期間中には、 備え付けのベッドに1枚加えることで快適な睡眠をサポートする携帯型マットレス「エアーポータブル モバ イルマット・プロ」を滞在先の宿舎で使用したという。

同社は「眠る時間もトレーニングの一部のように、リカバリー(体調の回復)の時間としてしっかりと睡眠を とることを意識している」と指摘した上で「パフォーマンスを発揮するためにやれることは全てやるという真 摯(しんし)な姿勢で取り組まれている」としている。

出典:大谷、活躍の陰に「睡眠」へのこだわり 特注のマットレスと枕でシーズン中もしっかり回復
JAPAN Forward