News Discussion
Summer Festivals: What's Behind the New Strategy of Premium Seats

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Summer Festivals: What's Behind the New Strategy of Premium Seats

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Summer festivals in Japan are adopting a new strategy of selling premium seats to cater to inbound foreign tourists. These exclusive seats offer added value and come with high prices.

Kyoto's Gion Matsuri now offers premium seats for the Yamahoko Junko floats procession, priced at up to ¥400,000 JPY per ticket. They consisted of 84 Japanese-style seats set up on a one-meter tall pedestal, with low chairs on tatami mats. Buyers enjoyed the Tsujimawashi in front of their eyes while they feasted on Kyoto obanzai cuisine and drinks, including alcohol. Earphone guidance in English and Chinese was also provided to explain the festival.

Tokushima's Awa Odori Festival has introduced high-end stand seats at ¥200,000 JPY per seat. The stand seats provide buyers with a close-up view of the dancers. In addition to enjoying local sake and Tokushima chicken, there will also be an English interpreter available.

Aomori Prefecture's Nebuta Matsuri offers VIP seats for ¥1 million JPY per group of up to eight viewers . Spectators in these seats will see the Nebuta floats pass in front of them from spacious seats in the stand. A Nebuta artist's real-time commentary is included in the service. So is delicious local food and an exclusive concierge.

Despite skepticism about the costs, the strategy has proven successful, benefiting local economies and festival organizers. Experts believe premium seats serve as a form of sponsorship funding for festivals. With the worst of the pandemic behind them, festival organizers see this as a way to diversify and meet the needs of inbound travelers. They expect premium seats to remain a prominent feature in future summer festivals.

Source:Summer Festivals: What's Behind the New Strategy of Premium Seats
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. adopt 導入する、採用する、(選択肢として)選ぶ、採択する、養子にする、(習慣などを)身につける
As a response to changing market demands, the company is considering whether to adopt new technologies for production.
2. cater to ~(需要・要求などに)応じる・対応する、(店・サービスなどが)対象・ターゲットにする
The airline provides special services to cater to passengers with dietary restrictions or allergies.
3. cuisine (特定の地域や店などの)料理・食事、高級料理の調理法
The chef's specialty lies in Asian cuisine.
4. high-end (同種類の商品・サービスの中で)最高級の、高性能の、高品質の、(商品などが)富裕層向けの
They decided to stay at a high-end resort for their honeymoon.
5. skepticism 懐疑的な見方・態度、懐疑主義
Despite initial skepticism from the critics, the movie received excellent reviews from the audience.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What additional services are provided to buyers of premium seats at these Festivals?
2. How do experts view the impact of premium seats on festivals and their organizers?
3. Have you ever attended a summer festival or a similar cultural events this summer?
4. What are your thoughts on the idea of selling premium seats at festivals to cater to inbound foreign tourists?
5. If you were to attend a festival with premium seat options, what additional features would you like to see?






同じく話題になっているのが、徳島・阿波おどり(8月12~15日)でのインバウンド向け最高級桟敷席「AWAODORI hospitality seat」だ。価格は1人20万円で期間中、計160席を販売する。昨年までは最も高額でも5千円程度だったといい、破格な価格設定といえる。屋外の演舞場に踊り手たちを正面から観覧できる桟敷席を設置。地酒や地鶏「阿波尾鶏」などを使った食事も楽しめる。踊り終えたばかりの踊り手による英語通訳付きの解説も予定している。




JAPAN Forward