News Discussion
Testing Lunar Rovers on the Tottori Sand Dunes

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Testing Lunar Rovers on the Tottori Sand Dunes

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


The Lunar Surface Demonstration Field at Tottori Sand Dunes mirrors the moon's landscape. Tottori Prefecture, aiming to lead space industry, partnered with Tottori University to build "Luna Terrace." The name is formed by combining the Latin word "luna," which means "moon," and the word "terrace," which sounds like "terasu" — a word that means “illumination” in Japanese.

On July 7, at the inauguration of Luna Terrace, Bridgestone tested all-metal tires for lunar rovers. Coastal and bike path tests proved challenging due to uneven terrain. They required flat sandy expanses and slopes, finding value in Tottori Sand Dunes and Luna Terrace's 20-degree incline.

The private sector pioneered Tottori Sand Dunes-moon similarities. From 2016 to 2018, HAKUTO, a lunar exploration team operated by the space venture ispace, tested unmanned exploration vehicle on Tottori Sand Dunes. They also assessed communication and cameras.

Amulapo's research, commissioned by Tottori, highlighted similarities between the moon and dunes. Comparing 3D maps and NASA data, they discovered comparable sand properties and terrain attributes, especially undulating terrains and slopes. Both have abundant fine and medium sand with similar chemical composition.

The inauguration of Luna Terrace also saw a test run of a lunar rover developed by Tohoku University students. Around 10 organizations, including businesses and universities, have shown interest in using the facility.

The Artemis Project, led by the United States, is planning to return humans to the moon's surface by 2025 or later, with the goal of establishing a sustained human presence as a precursor to a manned mission to Mars. The space industry is showing remarkable growth, with an annual rate of 8%. Tottori Prefecture is positioning itself as a significant player in lunar-surface exploration, with Luna Terrace as its first step.

Governor Shinji Hirai of Tottori Prefecture refers to the location as a "sandbox of dreams," where individuals can mold the future based on their ambitions.

Source:Testing Lunar Rovers on the Tottori Sand Dunes
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. inauguration (建物・設備などの)落成・開館、(事業などの)発足・開始
The stadium's inauguration marked a new era for sports in the city.
2. similarity 類似性、類似点
The two cars share a striking similarity in terms of design and features.
3. commission (業務・作業などを)委託する・依頼する、発注された
The company decided to commission a local artist to create a mural for their office wall.
4. comparable 同等な、匹敵する、相当する、比較可能な
The taste of the homemade cookies is comparable to those you'd find in a bakery.
5. refer to ~ as ・・・ ~を・・・と呼ぶ
The locals refer to this cafe as the "cozy corner" because of its warm ambiance.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What is the purpose of the Lunar Surface Demonstration Field at Tottori Sand Dunes?
2. Why is Tottori Prefecture aiming for a role in lunar exploration?
3. What do you think are the benefits of different countries working together in space exploration projects?
4. If you could travel to the moon, what would you want to do or see there?
5. Do you think humans will live on other planets one day?

日本一のスナバ「鳥取砂丘」に月面探査車 類似環境生かし実証実験




月面実証フィールドは、そう命名された。ラテン語で「月」を意味する「ルナ」と、「照らす」「庭園」を表現した「テラス」を組み合わせた。県の愛称募集に寄せられた896通を基に名付けられた。 「タイヤのテストには広くて平坦(へいたん)な砂地、長い傾斜が必要で、鳥取砂丘は非常に貴重な場所だ」

















出典:日本一のスナバ「鳥取砂丘」に月面探査車 類似環境生かし実証実験
JAPAN Forward