News Discussion
INTERVIEW | Masako Wakamiya, the Oldest App Developer in the World

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

INTERVIEW | Masako Wakamiya, the Oldest App Developer in the World

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


At 88, Masako Wakamiya, the world's oldest app developer, doesn't let age hinder her tech journey. She started at 58 with Excel art and ventured into game app development at 81. Apple CEO Tim Cook lauds her as the oldest app developer. Her schedule is packed, with over 100 speaking events annually, both in-person and online. Describing herself as a "curious scatterbrain," she encourages the middle-aged and elderly to "choose a way of life that goes beyond their past experiences."


Before the Windows 95 era, personal computers were primarily for enthusiasts. But my curiosity drove me to purchase one. The allure was computer networking during the age of telephone line connections, notably using NIFTY-Serve. Through networking, I formed friendships with people I'd never met in person, Even while caring for my mother, I found a way to remain connected to the outside world.

I'm called a programmer because I created an app. But that doesn't mean I have an affinity for programming. I made this app because there weren't any fun games for seniors. Self-teaching and guidance from peers helped my programming journey. Some argue Japan lacks technological innovation, yet the root issue isn't technology but the absence of a clear vison of what you want to achieve.

Today, we are experiencing a turning point brought about by artificial intelligence. AI is quickly becoming a part of our lives, permeating work and lifestyles. People in their 40s and 50s should shed past conventions, embracing a fresh mindset. I've been using ChatGPT for a while now.

My life journey is detailed in my recent book, "Becoming a Different Self from Yesterday" [KADOKAWA]. It encapsulates my generation's experiences during the war when everything shifted overnight. Regardless of wealth, currency could become useless suddenly. Therefore, determination to survive prevails over money. It's crucial to adopt a "geocentric" perspective, prioritizing your world, living freely on your terms.

Source:INTERVIEW | Masako Wakamiya, the Oldest App Developer in the World
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. in person (テレビや映画、オンラインなどでなく)直接に、対面で、じかに、(代理ではなく)本人が直接に
Many schools switched to virtual classes instead of in-person lessons.
2. enthusiast 熱心な人、熱中している人、マニア、熱狂的なファン、愛好家
She is a fitness enthusiast who goes to the gym every day to stay healthy and active.
3. have an affinity for ~が好き、~に親近感を抱いている
He has an affinity for nature, and he often goes hiking and camping in the wilderness.
4. permeate (思想などが)広がる、(液体・気体などが)浸透する・通り抜ける・充満する
The sense of excitement permeated the stadium as fans eagerly awaited the start of the game.
5. perspective (物事に対する)視点・観点・見方・態度、景色・眺め、(物事を)見通せる力、遠近感、遠近法
We explore events from various perspectives to gain a deeper understanding of the past.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What did Masako Wakamiya start doing at the age of 58, and what did she venture into at the age of 81?
2. What challenges does Masako Wakamiya believe Japan faces in terms of technology and innovation?
3. What is one piece of advice Masako Wakamiya gives to middle-aged and elderly individuals?
4. How do you think AI is influencing our lives, and do you find it convenient or challenging?
5. How do you interpret this concept of “geocentric” perspective?

アップルCEOも注目する「世界最高齢アプリ開発者」の生き方 若宮正子さん








《独学でゲームアプリ「hinadan」も作り上げた》 私はアプリを作ったのでプログラマーと呼ばれます。だけど、プログラミングが好きなわけではありません。高齢者が楽しめるゲームアプリがないので、自分で作っただけです。プログラミングは独学で、要所要所は仲間が教えてくれました。




出典:アップルCEOも注目する「世界最高齢アプリ開発者」の生き方 若宮正子さん
JAPAN Forward