News Discussion
Rare 'Diamond Fuji' Dazzles Crowd in Funabashi City

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Rare 'Diamond Fuji' Dazzles Crowd in Funabashi City

Directions: Read the following article aloud.

Mount Fuji was bathed in a gentle orange glow when the sun aligned with its summit, treating observers in Funabashi to the magical sight of "Diamond Fuji.“

On October 27, lucky observers caught a glimpse of "Diamond Fuji" when the sun aligned with the summit of Mount Fuji at Funabashi Sanbanze Seaside Park in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture.

This phenomenon happens during sunrise or sunset when the sun appears to rest directly above the mountain's peak. It typically occurs between October and February.

A Magical Sight
As the setting sun peered over the summit at around 4:40 pm, groups of people gathered on the beach with their smartphones and cameras to witness this magical sight.

Haruka Kimura, an office worker from Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture, was among the spectators. "I had heard of Diamond Fuji, but this is my first time seeing it," Kimura exclaimed, her eyes beaming as she gazed at the orange "diamond."

According to the park's spokesperson, 157 people visited the park that day. The next opportunity to witness "Diamond Fuji" is expected to be on February 14, 2024.

Source:Rare 'Diamond Fuji' Dazzles Crowd in Funabashi City
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. catch a glimpse of ~ ~をちらりと見る、~を垣間見る、~の片りんをうかがう
Let's arrive early to catch a glimpse of the parade.
2.aligned with ~ ~と一直線になっている、~とつながっている、~と足並みをそろえる
The road is aligned with the mountain range, offering stunning views.
3. witness
I was fortunate to witness the birth of a baby deer in the woods.
4. among ~に囲まれた、~の間の、~(集団)の中にいる、~の間で共通して
Among the crowd, I spotted my friends at the concert.
5. opportunity 機会、チャンス、有利な条件・状況
The conference provided an excellent opportunity for us to establish valuable connections.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. When does "Diamond Fuji" usually occur?
2. Why is the phenomenon on Mount Fuji referred to as "Diamond Fuji," and what makes it a special sight for observers?
3. Have you ever seen a special event in nature like "Diamond Fuji"?
4. What natural sights or events do you wish to witness or experience, and why are they appealing to you?
5. How do you think people's interest in natural events impacts their appreciation of the environment?

千葉・船橋で「ダイヤモンド富士」 オレンジ色に輝く

飼育放棄された秋田犬の保護・譲渡活動に取り組む一般社団法人「ONE FOR AKITA」(秋田市)と秋田県は、保護された高齢の秋田犬3頭を最期まで飼い続けるために必要な資金を、ふるさと納税制度を使った「ガバメントクラウドファンディング」で募っている。秋田犬は「忠犬ハチ公」の物語などで知名度が高く、海外でも人気だ。



出典:千葉・船橋で「ダイヤモンド富士」 オレンジ色に輝く
JAPAN Forward