News Discussion
Act Now On 'Urban Bears' Problem to Protect Animals and Humans

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Act Now On 'Urban Bears' Problem to Protect Animals and Humans

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


As autumn settles in across Japan, the wild bears emerge, leading to a surge in unsettling encounters between humans and these formidable creatures. In 2023, bear-related incidents have escalated significantly, causing widespread concern. The Ministry of the Environment reports that between April and September, 109 people have fallen victim to bear attacks across 15 prefectures. This unprecedented rise in aggression poses a significant threat to public safety. These unsettling bear encounters are exacerbated by the animals venturing into human-inhabited areas, hidden amidst tall grass and dense, unthinned trees. The decline of rural communities has led to the abandonment of farmlands and forested regions, transforming buffer zones into dense forests that provide ideal cover for these normally reclusive animals. The consequences of these encounters are severe, resulting in injuries and fatalities. People across Japan are being urged to exercise caution, avoiding early morning and evening walks when unexpected bear confrontations are most likely to occur. Researchers and wildlife managers are grappling with a challenge—how to make bears and humans coexist. The problem arises from a rise in "urban bears", bears that venture into densely populated areas. These bears, unfamiliar with being chased by humans due to depopulated mountain villages, often wander into cities. In this new environment, they may accidentally harm people due to their excitement. Recent incidents, such as the attack on a group of five people, including high school students, at a bus stop in Kita Akita City, highlight the urgency of addressing this growing issue. These "new generation bears" lack the typical wariness of their counterparts and present a significant challenge for both wildlife administrators and communities. As bear encounters become less of an unusual occurrence and more of a familiar risk, communities must find ways to live alongside these remarkable yet potentially dangerous animals, striving for a balance that ensures both human safety and the conservation of these essential components of Japan's ecosystem. Amid these challenges, the encroachment of black bears into the Tokyo metropolitan area adds a new layer of urgency. The spheres of bear activity and human habitation are undeniably growing closer, emphasizing the pressing reality that must not be forgotten.

Source:Act Now On 'Urban Bears' Problem to Protect Animals and Humans
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. encounter (思いがけない)遭遇・接触、(偶然に)出くわす、(問題・危険・困難などに)出会う・直面する
The business meeting turned into a tense encounter between rival companies.
2. inhabited 住民・居住者のいる
The small, inhabited island in the Pacific has a tight-knit community.
3. buffer zone 緩衝地帯
A green belt around the industrial area acts as a buffer zone, reducing pollution impact.
4. fatality 致死、死亡者、災害・災難、運命
The news reported a tragic fatality in the recent plane crash.
5. sphere 領域、分野、範囲、球体
The kitchen is my brother's sphere of expertise, where he creates delicious meals.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. How have human activities contributed to the change in bear behavior, particularly in their interaction with urban environments?
2. When are these encounters most likely to occur?
3. Have you ever encountered wildlife, and if so, how did you handle the situation?
4. What precautions do you think communities can take to reduce the risks of human-wildlife conflicts in urban environments?
5. Do you believe there should be stricter regulations or guidelines for urban planning to consider wildlife habitats? Why or why not?

クマ被害の深刻化 「アーバンベア」が増えた 市街地進出防いで事故減らせ
















出典:クマ被害の深刻化 「アーバンベア」が増えた 市街地進出防いで事故減らせ
JAPAN Forward