News Discussion
Owning a Dog Could Lower the Risk of Dementia, New Study Shows

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Owning a Dog Could Lower the Risk of Dementia, New Study Shows

Directions: Read the following article aloud.

A Tokyo institute specializing in aging research has found that elderly people who own a dog have a significantly lower risk of dementia.

New research indicates that elderly people who own dogs have a significantly reduced risk of developing dementia compared to non-dog owners. The study was conducted by researchers at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology (TMIG). Their findings were first published on November 22 in an international scientific journal. According to TMIG, this marks the first instance where a clear connection between dog ownership and the onset of dementia has been established.

40% Lower Risk
The TMIG, an institute under the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, conducted a comprehensive study from 2016 to 2020. It covered 11,194 men and women aged 65 or older in Tokyo. The data revealed that 5% of participants developed dementia. Dog owners experienced a remarkable 40% lower risk of dementia compared to non-dog owners.

Furthermore, the researchers observed that dog owners who adhered to regular exercise routines and maintained an active social life exhibited an even lower risk of developing dementia.

What About Cats?
Interestingly, the same couldn't be said about cats. There was no substantial difference in the incidence of dementia between cat owners and non-cat owners.

The dog ownership rate among the participants was 8.6%, while the cat ownership rate was 6.3%

Source:Owning a Dog Could Lower the Risk of Dementia, New Study Shows
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. develop (病気などが悪い状態が)進行する、発展する・発展させる、成長する・成長させる、開発する
Without proper care, small issues can develop into major problems.
2. onset 発病、(薬の効果などの)発現、開始、始まり
She bravely faced the onset of challenges in her new job.
3. comprehensive 包括的な、大局的な、理解力のある
Our team conducted a comprehensive analysis of the market trends to devise a strategic plan.
4. adhere
Drivers must adhere to the speed limit to ensure road safety for everyone.
5. substantial 実体がある、実在する、がっしりした、十分な
The new library has a substantial collection of books covering various genres and topics.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What did the research reveal about the risk of developing dementia among elderly dog owners?
2. According to the research, what additional factors seemed to contribute to an even lower risk of dementia among dog owners?
3. What are your thoughts on this research?
4. Do you think the companionship of a pet has a positive impact on mental health or well-being?
5. Could there be other explanations for why dog owners showed a lower risk of dementia?

犬飼育で認知症低リスク 都センター高齢者調査




出典:犬飼育で認知症低リスク 都センター高齢者調査
JAPAN Forward