News Discussion
Which Team's Best at Picking Up Litter?21 Countries Compete in First SPOGOMI World Cup

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Which Team's Best at Picking Up Litter?21 Countries Compete in First SPOGOMI World Cup

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


The inaugural SPOGOMI World Cup, hosted by the Nippon Foundation Social Sports Initiative on November 22 in Shibuya, Tokyo, brought attention to the environmental impact of litter, particularly plastics, and ways to counteract its harm. SPOGOMI, a unique sport merging sports with litter collection, saw representatives from 21 countries collecting cigarette butts and cans across Shibuya.

Kenichi Mamitsuka conceived SPOGOMI in 2008, where teams earned points for various trash types collected, competing to gather the most within a time limit.

Yohei Sasakawa, Nippon Foundation Chairman, highlighted the foundation's focus on marine plastic waste, stating that 80% of it originates from land. Sasakawa supported the event, stressing the pivotal role of trash collection in protecting oceans.

Representing Japan, Mariko Tsunamoto, Tomoe Takahashi, and Hiroyuki Iego actively engage in coastal litter cleanup in Niigata City. The event, commencing at the United Nations University in Shibuya, witnessed litter collection in various city areas post the opening ceremony.

Japan's team gathered umbrellas, cigarette butts, and cans, securing second place with 55.50 kg of trash. They even found garbage in front of a "No Illegal Dumping" sign. The team members emphasized, 'We want people to know that picking up trash revitalizes the heart and spirit.'"

"Team Great Britain secured first place by collecting 83.70 kg of trash. Members from the US commented, “ Sometimes it was really hard because there wasn't really that much trash.” A player from Team Australia added her view that “It's crucial for all of us to take responsibility for our planet."

The Nippon Foundation plans to organize the next World Cup in two years.

Source:Which Team's Best at Picking Up Litter?21 Countries Compete in First SPOGOMI World Cup
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. litter ごみなどを散らかす、(場所を)ごみで散らかす、(散らかされた)ごみ
It’s important to teach kids not to litter and keep the streets clean.
2. represent ~の公式な代表を務める、~の代弁者として話す、(物・記号・数字などが)~を表す・示す・象徴する・意味する
Our team captain will represent us at the conference next week.
3. commence 開始する、始まる、(法律などがある時点から)有効となる
The concert will commence with a performance by the orchestra.
4. not ~ that much たいして~ない、それほど~ない
We didn't have that much rain last month, but the plants still grew well.
5. take responsibility for ~に責任を持つ、~の責任を取る、~に関して責任を負う、~にけじめをつける
It's essential to take responsibility for your actions and apologize when you make a mistake.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. How does SPOGOMI uniquely combine sports and environmental awareness?
2. How did the teams earn points during the event?
3. Have you ever participated in or witnessed any events aimed at cleaning up litter or raising awareness about environmental issues?
4. What are some simple actions individuals can take in their daily lives to reduce littering and contribute to a cleaner environment?
5. Do you believe that sports-related events focused on environmental causes can influence people to be more conscious about the environment? Why or why not?

ごみ拾い世界一はどの国? 第1回スポGOMIワールドカップ








出典:ごみ拾い世界一はどの国? 第1回スポGOMIワールドカップ
JAPAN Forward