News Discussion
'Perfect Days': How Wim Wenders Challenges the Modern Perspective

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

'Perfect Days': How Wim Wenders Challenges the Modern Perspective

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Wim Wenders' recent film, "Perfect Days" has garnered Koji Yakusho the Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival. Known for his prowess in road movies and admiration for Japanese culture, Wenders showcases the simplicity of life in Tokyo through this feature.

Originally conceived as a series of short documentaries about the "Tokyo Toilet" initiative, the film took a new direction during Wenders' visit to Japan in May 2022. Witnessing public toilets designed by globally acclaimed architects like Tadao Ando became a transformative experience. "I felt they were part of a bigger picture and realized I could create something that captures the essence of the city of Tokyo," Wenders explained. This revelation led to the development of a full-fledged feature film.

Hirayama, brilliantly played by Koji Yakusho, serves as the film's focal point, depicting a janitor leading a simple and content life. Despite lacking financial affluence or a family, Hirayama finds pride in his uncomplicated routine, providing a refreshing contrast to the complexities of modern life.

Collaborating with creative director Takuma Takasaki, Wenders co-wrote the script, emphasizing the crucial aspect of characterizing Hirayama as a simple yet happy individual proud to be of service to others. Inspired by Ozu Yasujiro's Tokyo Story, Wenders early on chose Yakusho, recognizing his versatility and excellence as an actor. "Hirayama is the kind of man who notices the sunlight that seeps through the tree branches and seedlings growing under trees. Yakusho-san portrays this with the kindness of his gaze and the expression of his eyes. The audience will likely empathize with his perspective. I hope this film will change how the audience sees the world."

"Perfect Days," currently showing in Japanese cinemas, features a notable cast, including Koji Yakusho, Min Tanaka, Tokio Emoto, Sayuri Ishikawa, and Tomokazu Miura. The film was released on December 22 and has a runtime of 124 minutes.

Source:'Perfect Days': How Wim Wenders Challenges the Modern Perspective
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. admiration 敬服、あこがれ、惚れこむ気持ち、称賛、感嘆、感心
Despite facing challenges, his unwavering admiration for his role model kept him motivated.
2. conceive 着想する、思いつく、(考え・感情などを)心に抱く、(女性が子どもを)身ごもる
The inventor conceived a brilliant plan to address the city's traffic congestion.
3. big picture 大局、世界や社会全体の動き、(問題などの)全体像
It's important to consider the big picture rather than getting caught up in small details.
4. content 満足している、満足感・充足感、内容物、(本や雑誌などの)内容・項目
We were quite content with both the food and services at the restaurant.
5. portray 役を演じる、(絵画・彫刻・映像などで)描く・表現する、どういう人物かを描写する
The documentary seeks to portray the challenges faced by wildlife in their natural habitats.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What was the original concept of the film before it took a new direction during Wenders' visit to Japan?
2. Who plays the role of Hirayama in the film, and how is his character depicted?
3. Can you think of any ordinary things in your life that have inspired you?
4. Do you think having well-known actors adds value to a movie?
5. In your opinion, can movies have a lasting impact on people's perspectives?

ものの見方変えるトイレ清掃員の日常 映画「PERFECT DAYS」ヴィム・ヴェンダース監督



主演の役所広司(67)がカンヌ国際映画祭で男優賞を受賞した「PERFECT DAYS」が、いよいよ日本で公開される。監督は数々のロードムービーの傑作を手掛けてきたドイツの名匠、ヴィム・ヴェンダース(78)。親日家で小津安二郎監督を敬愛していることでも知られるヴェンダース監督が、作品について語った。

本作はもともと、安藤忠雄や隈研吾といった世界的建築家やクリエーターがデザインした公共トイレを東京都渋谷区内に設置する「THE TOKYO TOILET」プロジェクトの一環。当初は公共トイレに関する短編のドキュメンタリーを何本か作る予定だった。





ちなみに平山の名は、「東京物語」など小津監督作品で笠智衆が演じた役名が由来だ。キャスティングは初期から役所に決まっていた。「Shall we ダンス?」など役所の出演映画は10本以上見ており、「どんな役もこなせる、いい役者」という印象を持った。



出典:ものの見方変えるトイレ清掃員の日常 映画「PERFECT DAYS」ヴィム・ヴェンダース監督
JAPAN Forward