News Discussion
Asahi Shuzo Hosts Rice Contest to Elevate Sake Quality

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Asahi Shuzo Hosts Rice Contest to Elevate Sake Quality

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Asahi Shuzo, known for producing the renowned Japanese sake brand Dassai, recently organized a competition to evaluate the quality of Yamada Nishiki rice, a key ingredient in brewing high-quality sake. Rice has deep cultural significance in Japan, with a history dating back 2000 years, impacting culinary traditions and the economy. During the Edo period (1603–1868), rice production measured in "koku" units reflected the magnitude of a feudal domain and determined a samurai's salary.

Despite the increasing influence of Western cuisines in Japan, rice remains a primary staple, evident in the popularity of onigiri (rice balls) and its prevalent use in bento boxes. Dassai, a distinguished sake brand, exclusively uses the Yamada Nishiki rice variety, highlighting the integral role of rice in crafting Japanese sake.

The Yamada Nishiki competition, organized by Asahi Shuzo, aims to incentivize rice farmers to improve the quality of their harvest. The contest's award ceremony brought together rice farmers from across Japan, showcasing their dedication to enhancing sake quality.

While sake crafted from award-winning rice commands a higher price, the positive impact extends beyond Dassai, benefiting the entire industry when farmers compete to cultivate high-quality rice. Ultimately, consumers are the primary beneficiaries of such competitions, as farmers strive to deliver an enhanced sake experience.

In addition to their efforts in Japan, Asahi Shuzo's brewery in New York introduced Dassai Blue, an exclusive offering available only in the United States. Hiroshi Sakurai, Chairman of Asahi Shuzo, is set to share insights on sake in an upcoming interview with The Sankei Shimbun and JAPAN Forward.

Source:Asahi Shuzo Hosts Rice Contest to Elevate Sake Quality
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. organize (イベントなどを)計画する、開催する、(組織を)編成する、(考えなどを)体系化する、まとめる
We decided to organize a surprise birthday party for our colleague in the office.
2. staple 主食、基本食品
Whole grains are considered a healthy staple in a balanced adult diet.
3. craft (手作業で)つくる
She spent hours in her studio, using various materials to craft a beautiful sculpture.
4. in addition to ~に加えて
In addition to managing the project, I also oversee the recruitment process for our team.
5. brewery 醸造所
We visited a local brewery last weekend and tasted different types of beer.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What did Asahi Shuzo recently organize, and why?
2. According to the article, why does rice have deep cultural significance in Japanese culture?
3. How was the magnitude of a feudal domain measured during the Edo period, and what role did rice play in it?
4. Have you ever participated in or attended any kind of competition or event related to a traditional or cultural aspect in your community?
5. If you were a farmer, what crop would you like to grow?




日本人にとって米は特別な作物であり、2000年ほど前に稲作が始まって以来日本は食文化だけでなく、経済も大きく変わった。例えば内戦か終結した江戸時代、大名領地規模も、侍の給与も、“石(こく)”という、当時の米を測る単位だっ日本にとってたくらい、米は大切な存在である。ここ50年ほど、欧米各国料理の影響もありパンも増えてはいるが、最近のおにぎりブーム、日々各地で見られる弁当でも米はやはりメイン食材である。 「ついにここまで来たかという気持ちは1%くらいあるが、まだ何一つ達成していない。関係した皆さんの期待にこたえなければという逼迫感のほうが強まっている」。27日に記者会見した森岡氏はこう述べた。




旭酒造のニューヨーク工場が稼働、アメリカでしか販売しない“Dassai Blue”の発売が開始された。近日中に桜井博志会長のインタビューを予定している。乞うご期待。

JAPAN Forward