News Discussion
JAXA's Moon Lander Back to Work After Sunlight Hits Solar Cells

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

JAXA's Moon Lander Back to Work After Sunlight Hits Solar Cells

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


On January 29, JAXA announced the restoration of power to its lunar lander, following a setback reported on January 25 when the spacecraft's solar panels failed to generate power due to its landing angle.

The Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) accomplished a groundbreaking lunar landing on January 20, positioning Japan as the fifth nation to achieve this feat. Impressively, SLIM achieved a landing just 55 meters from the target, marking the world's first "precision landing" within 100 meters."

The probe's descent, captured by flight data and images from a lunar robot onboard, showcased its accuracy and effectiveness.

Descending from an altitude of approximately 15 kilometers above the moon, SLIM captured images of the lunar surface and determined its position accurately. However, an engine failure during landing caused a disruption, resulting in an upside-down landing with the solar panels facing away from sunlight, hindering power generation.

Despite the setback, SLIM successfully transmitted flight data and lunar images to Earth before being powered off to conserve energy. Subsequently, as the lunar region entered daytime, sunlight reached the solar panels, enabling power generation.

Communication with SLIM resumed on January 28, indicating operational readiness. However, challenges lie ahead, including high lunar surface temperatures and image capture difficulties during nighttime. The daytime temperature on the lunar surface surpasses 100 degrees Celsius, potentially damaging the semiconductors and allowing only a brief period for the probe to carry out its activities. JAXA remains committed to lunar exploration while monitoring the spacecraft's condition.

Source:JAXA's Moon Lander Back to Work After Sunlight Hits Solar Cells
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. generate (物理化学的過程で~を)作り出す・起こす・発生させる、(利益などを)生む、(言葉などを)生成する
Solar panels can generate electricity from sunlight.
2. precision 精度の高い、誤差の少ない、(動作に)狂いがない、正確さ、精密さ、的確さ、精度
The surgeon performed the operation with precision, ensuring minimal risk to the patient.
3. disruption (外的要因による)混乱・崩壊、(産業などの)大変革、(望ましくない突然の)途絶・分裂
The loud noise outside caused disruption during the lecture.
4. face away from ~から見て外側に向く、~から顔・正面をそらす
The house was designed to face away from the neighboring buildings.
5. readiness (これから起こる・取り組むことに対する)準備ができていること
After weeks of training, the team displayed great readiness for the upcoming competition.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What milestone did SLIM achieve during its lunar landing?
2. What challenges does the spacecraft face due to high lunar surface temperatures?
3. What are your thoughts on SLIM's achievement of a precision landing within 100 meters of its target?
4. What benefits might exploration the moon bring?
5. In what ways do you think space exploration could inspire future generations of scientists and engineers?

実証機スリム活動再開 月が「昼」になり発電可能に








獲得済みの飛行データや月面の画像を、持続時間わずか数時間の内蔵バッテリーで地球に送信した後、太陽電池の発電が可能になった際にシステムを安定的に再起動できる最低限の余力を残し、電源をオフにしていた。 JAXAは29日、スリムが月面活動を再開したと発表。機体周辺が月の「昼」になって太陽光の向きが変わり、発電が始まったとみられる。着陸地点周辺の岩石の撮影も行っているという。




実証機スリム活動再開 月が「昼」になり発電可能に
JAPAN Forward