News Discussion
Fluffy Alpacas Take a Stroll in the Famous Kagurazaka District

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Fluffy Alpacas Take a Stroll in the Famous Kagurazaka District

Directions: Read the following article aloud.

Two alpacas enjoy their daily walk through the former geisha district, never failing to evoke smiles and curious second glances from amused passersby.

Kagurazaka is a bustling area in Tokyo's Shinjuku ward filled with cafes, traditional Japanese eateries, and cozy izakayas. At night, its famous sloping street is teaming with night owls having a good time. But come morning, the street turns into a serene promenade for fluffy alpacas.

Their endearing presence has become a delightful addition to the neighborhood's charm. Vanilla, the white alpaca, and Aoi, the brown alpaca, take their stroll during the tranquil hours, basking in the gentle morning sun. They are the beloved stars of the petting zoo Alpaca Fureai Land, which opened in April 2023.

"We recently introduced courses where people can walk with the alpacas. We were initially concerned that people would find it too early in the morning. Surprisingly, it is now our most popular offering," shares the petting zoo's manager, Masaya Ide.

An alpaca walk in Tokyo could be an interesting addition to one's morning routine.

Source:Fluffy Alpacas Take a Stroll in the Famous Kagurazaka District
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. evoke (笑い・同情・物議などを)引き起こす、(感情・記憶などを)呼び覚ます・喚起する
This novel evokes strong emotions of love and loss.
2. bustling (場所がたくさんの人で)活気のある・にぎわっている
The park was bustling with children playing and laughing.
3. night owl 夜型の人、夜更かしをする人、夜勤の人
As a night owl, I often find myself watching movies late into the night.
4. endearing 愛情・親しみのこもった、人の心をひきつける、親しみやすい、愛らしい
The children's innocent curiosity was endearing to their parents.
5. tranquil 静かな、穏やかな、落ち着いた、冷静な、(動きのない)一定した・安定している
I prefer tranquil places where I can escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What kind of district is Kagurazaka known as, and what activities can you find there at night?
2. When do the alpacas take their walk, and where do they go?
3. What do you think makes the alpacas endearing to the people in the Kagurazaka district?
4. How do you think the presence of animals like alpacas can affect the atmosphere of a busy urban area like Kagurazaka?
5. Would you be interested in joining a morning walk with alpacas if it were available in your city?

アルパカもそぞろ歩き? 東京・神楽坂





出典:アルパカもそぞろ歩き? 東京・神楽坂
JAPAN Forward