News Discussion
Salmon War: Why is an Energy Giant Diving into Land-Based Aquaculture?

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Salmon War: Why is an Energy Giant Diving into Land-Based Aquaculture?

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


In Fukuoka Prefecture, a "salmon war" has erupted as Kyushu Electric Power (Kyuden) and RKB Mainichi Holdings compete in the land-based aquaculture industry. Kyuden, led by Yoshiki Mitsuhata, introduced Mirai Salmon in October 2023, marking the first successful venture into the market. The company declared war on its main rival, RKB, with promotional efforts evident in their headquarters.

Kyuden's journey began in April 2021 with the KYUDEN i-PROJECT, inspired by Mitsuhata's vision to revolutionize the industry with digital thinking. After market research, a joint venture with Nichimo, and the establishment of a plant in Buzen City, Fukuoka, Kyuden's Mirai Salmon stands out for its balance of lean and fatty meat, offering a unique taste. Mitsuhata envisions nationwide delivery and potential exports leveraging Fukuoka's geographical advantage.

RKB Mainichi Holdings, following Kyuden's footsteps, aims to complete its aquaculture plant in Munakata City this summer. Spanning 18,000 square meters, the facility plans to produce 500 metric tons of salmon annually, utilizing abundant groundwater. President Hirokazu Tobo, inspired by a desire to create local jobs after heavy rainfall in 2017, decided on salmon as a solution. Despite initial company skepticism, Tobo's persistence, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, led to collaboration with NESIC Land Aquaculture and a focus on innovative land-based aquaculture.

While Kyuden and RKB compete in Fukuoka, Tobo sees them as allies rather than competitors, envisioning a nationwide network of land-based aquaculture. With a shy smile, Tobo emphasizes that innovation arises from persistence in words and actions. The "salmon war" in Fukuoka, amid global concerns about food security, may contribute to a solution, showcasing the intense competition for high-quality seafood worldwide.

Source:Salmon War: Why is an Energy Giant Diving into Land-Based Aquaculture?
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. erupt 勃発する、(火山などが)爆発する、噴火する、(感情などが)どっと出る
Laughter erupted from the audience at the comedian’s joke.
2. promotional efforts 宣伝活動
The company’s promotional efforts paid off when sales increased.
3. stand out for ~で目立つ、~の点で突出している
The company stands out for its innovative approach to technology.
4. envision 見込む、心に描く、想像する
I envision a future where renewable energy sources are the norm.
5. skepticism 懐疑心、懐疑主義
He expressed his skepticism about the effectiveness of the new policy.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What is the “salmon war” mentioned in the text?
2. How does Kyuden’s Mirai Salmon differentiate itself in the market?
3. What was the motivation behind RKB Mainichi Holdings’ decision to enter the aquaculture industry?
4. What broader impact could the competition in Fukuoka’s aquaculture industry have according to the article?
5. In your opinion, how might the “salmon war” in Fukuoka contribute to addressing global concerns about food security?

「サーモン戦争」に挑む電力会社とテレビ局 異業種が続々参入する陸上養殖のうまみ





同社がサーモンの陸上養殖事業参入を発表したのは令和3年4月。平成29年1月から始まったグループ内の新規育成事業を目指す「KYUDEN i-PROJECT」に満畑さんが手を挙げたことがきっかけだった。長崎県出身の満畑さんの実家は水産業。アナログの世界に九電の通信部門で培ったデジタル分野の考え方を持ち込めば、業界に一石を投じられるのではないかとにらんだ。












「サーモン戦争」に挑む電力会社とテレビ局 異業種が続々参入する陸上養殖のうまみ
JAPAN Forward