News Discussion
Japanese Imperial Family Launches Official Instagram Account

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Japanese Imperial Family Launches Official Instagram Account

Directions: Read the following article aloud.

A screenshot of the official Instagram account of the Imperial Household Agency.

On April 1, the Imperial Household Agency launched its official Instagram account, quickly amassing over 160,000 followers by 2 pm. Vice Grand Steward Buichiro Kuroda addressed the press, stating, "We hope that a broad audience, including the younger generation, will engage with our updates about the imperial family. We will continue to further our efforts in this aspect."

The official Instagram account, named "宮内庁/Imperial Household Agency," with the ID "kunaicho_jp," was made public at midnight on April 1. It features photos and videos of Their Majesties Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako. They capture moments from events like the visit of the general public to the palace for His Majesty's birthday in February. Photos also show their reception for foreign dignitaries in March and other activities.

For now, the account will primarily highlight the activities of Their Majesties. In the future, the agency plans to consider including content about other imperial family members.

Source:Japanese Imperial Family Launches Official Instagram Account
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. amass 寄せ集める、収集する、蓄積する、蓄える
The team worked together to amass enough evidence to solve the case.
2. engage with ~と触れ合う・関わりを持つ、~とかみ合う、~に関与する
She likes to engage with her friends on social media every day.
3. make public 公開・公表・発表する
The company made public its plans to expand into new markets.
4. dignitary (政府などの)高官・要人、高位の人
As diplomats, dignitaries negotiate treaties and agreements between nations.
5. primarily 最初のうちは、当初は、元々は、第一に、主として
He was primarily interested in studying biology when he started college.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. How many followers did the Instagram account amass by 2 pm on April 1?
2. What is the main purpose of the Imperial Household Agency launching its official Instagram account?
3. Have you ever followed an official account of a public figure or organization on social media?
4. How do you think Instagram can help the Imperial Household Agency connect with a broader audience?
5. Do you believe it's important for organizations to use social media to share updates and events with the public? Why or why not?

宮内庁がインスタグラムの公式アカウント開設 午後2時時点で16万人超のフォロワー


インスタグラムの公式アカウント名は「宮内庁/Imperial Household Agency」、IDは「kunaicho_jp」で、1日午前0時から公開。2月の天皇誕生日の一般参賀や、3月の外国賓客の接遇など、天皇、皇后両陛下のご活動の様子が写真や動画とともに投稿されている。


出典:宮内庁がインスタグラムの公式アカウント開設 午後2時時点で16万人超のフォロワー
JAPAN Forward