News Discussion
Ensure Passenger Safety as Rideshare Ban is Gradually Lifted

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Ensure Passenger Safety as Rideshare Ban is Gradually Lifted

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


The partial lifting of Japan's ridesharing ban began in April, addressing the ongoing issue of taxi driver shortages in urban areas and tourist spots. Ridesharing, when conducted safely, offers an appealing alternative to traditional taxis for transportation needs.

This adjustment sets the stage for a "Japanese-style ridesharing" model, with taxi firms overseeing operations and vehicle maintenance to ensure safety. Government authorization is required for companies adopting this approach.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has approved the establishment of four rideshare zones, centered on Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, and Kyoto prefectures. Operations will be limited to specific days and hours, coinciding with peak taxi demand. Additional areas, including Osaka and Fukuoka prefectures, are set to join from May.

In Japan, the practice of regular drivers offering ride services for money is referred to as "white taxi behavior". However, many taxi drivers abandoned the profession during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to difficulties for passengers in catching taxis, particularly in certain areas. As economic activity returns to normal and the number of inbound tourists to Japan recovers, the country is increasingly turning to rideshares to address the shortage of taxis.

Under the revised regulations, taxi companies assume new responsibilities, including driver training and safety compliance monitoring. The government aims to make a comprehensive decision on rideshare policies by June, weighing economic benefits against the impact on traditional taxi operations.

Balanced discussion on ridesharing's implications is crucial for devising a sustainable transportation system that caters to societal needs.

Source:Ensure Passenger Safety as Rideshare Ban is Gradually Lifted
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. lift (禁止令などを)解除する・撤廃する、物が持ち上がる、気分が高揚する、霧が晴れる、(地位などを)高める
The government had to carefully decide on the appropriate time to lift the COVID-19 public health emergency.
2. alternative 代替手段・代替案、別の可能性、選択肢、代わりの、(文化などが)伝統・主流から外れた
When the store ran out of milk, I chose soy milk as an alternative.
3. coincide 一致する、合致する、適合する、同時に起こる、同一の空間を占める
The meeting coincides with my dentist appointment, so I'll have to reschedule one of them.
4. particularly とりわけ、特に、具体的に、個別に、かなりの程度、詳細に
John is good at many subjects, but he's particularly skilled in math.
5. revised 改訂された、改正された、修正された
The city council approved the revised budget for the upcoming fiscal year.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What issue does ridesharing aim to address in urban areas and tourist spots?
2. How do taxi companies need to support the new drivers?
3. Have you ever faced difficulties in catching a taxi during peak times? How did you handle the situation?
4. Do you believe that ridesharing can effectively address the shortage of taxis in Japan? Why or why not?
5. How do you think the introduction of ridesharing will impact traditional taxi operations in Japan?

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ライドシェア解禁 安全守りつつ定着目指せ
JAPAN Forward