News Discussion
On Japanese Yen: Finance Minister Emphasizes Flexibility, Hints at Intervention

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

On Japanese Yen: Finance Minister Emphasizes Flexibility, Hints at Intervention

Directions: Read the following article aloud.

Depreciation of the Japanese yen has continues unabated, with the USD/JPY exchange rate approaching ¥155 JPY per US dollar on April 22. This led Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki to address the issue following the April 23 cabinet meeting.

Answering questions about the yen's recent weakening against the dollar, the minister reaffirmed the government's "policy of responding flexibly to excessive market fluctuations without excluding any options remains unchanged."

Suzuki also suggested that he would not acquiesce in the face of the weakening yen. He added that the government would continue to monitor market trends and hinted at potential foreign exchange intervention to mitigate further yen depreciation.

When asked about his opinion on the current exchange rate, Suzuki stated, "Explaining day-to-day fluctuations always leads back to numbers. So, I would like to refrain from commenting.“

As of 5 PM on April 22 in New York, the Japanese yen was trading at ¥154.80-154.90 against the greenback on the foreign exchange market. This marked a 23-sen decline from the end of the previous week.

Source:On Japanese Yen: Finance Minister Emphasizes Flexibility, Hints at Intervention
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. depreciation 価値が下がること、減価償却、減価償却費
The depreciation of assets over time is inevitable.
2. exchange rate (外国)為替相場
Tourists should be aware of the exchange rate when traveling abroad.
3. mitigate 軽減する、軽くする、(怒り、苦痛などを)和らげる
The purpose of the project is to mitigate risks.
4. refrain from commenting コメントを控える、言及を避ける
It's best to refrain from commenting on sensitive topics.
5. greenback (アメリカの)ドル紙幣 *かつて紙幣の裏面が緑色であったことからこう呼ばれる。
The greenback fell against the yen today.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What is the USD/JPY exchange rate mentioned in the text?
2. Why did Suzuki refrain from commenting on the current exchange rate?
3. How much did the yen decline against the greenback from the end of the previous week to 5 PM on April 22 in New York?
4. How do you think the depreciation of the yen affects the Japanese economy and people’s lives?
5. If you were in Finance Minister Suzuki’s position, how would you address the issue of the weakening yen?

鈴木俊一財務相「過度な変動にはあらゆるオプション」 為替介入示唆、155円迫る円安進行に




出典:鈴木俊一財務相「過度な変動にはあらゆるオプション」 為替介入示唆、155円迫る円安進行に
JAPAN Forward