News Discussion
AI Manipulation in Influence Operations and How to Deal With It

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

AI Manipulation in Influence Operations and How to Deal With It

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


In 2024, with major elections in over 70 countries, vigilance against influence operations, which manipulate public opinion through false information on social media and AI, is increasing. The use of AI to alter politicians’ faces and voices in audio and video is on the rise, with fears of intensification as the US presidential election approaches. Misinformation was rampant during Taiwan’s January election, with nearly half of the rumors echoing those from previous elections. Japan, too, is addressing misinformation concerns ahead of its Lower House by-elections.

AI advances make it easy to create false information, making the threat of influence operations harder to detect. In October 2023, the Canadian government warned that Chinese bots were behind the “Spamouflage” campaign. In February 2024, 20 IT companies, including Microsoft, agreed to collaborate to prevent election interference from AI-generated misinformation. Influence operations use “MDM” [Misinformation, Disinformation, Malinformation] to achieve their purpose. Misinformation refers to the intentional use and spread of incorrect facts or misleading statistics, while disinformation is false information created with malicious intent. Malinformation is truth-based information presented with harmful intentions.

Some countries have enacted laws regulating fake news, but this has led to journalists criticizing the government becoming investigation targets. Japan has refrained from suppressing misinformation and disinformation through legislation, instead pursuing measures such as collaboration with platform operators and media literacy education. Japan is also behind on fact-checking, with its combined efforts across all organizations amounting to only several hundred compared to Indonesia’s approximately 10,000 annual fact-checks.

Source:AI Manipulation in Influence Operations and How to Deal With It
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. manipulate (手で)操作する、巧みに扱う、操る、コントロールする
The company was found guilty of manipulating their financial data.
2. on the rise 上昇中、増えつつある、増加している
The cost of living is on the rise in many cities.
3. misinformation (意図的に流された)誤情報
It’s important to check the source of information to avoid misinformation.
4. disinformation (人を欺いたり混乱させたり、等故意に発信される)偽情報
The government warned the public about the disinformation being spread online.
5. media literacy education メディアリテラシー教育
Media literacy education can help people understand and analyze media messages.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What are influence operations and how are they becoming a concern in 2024?
2. What are Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation in the context of influence operations?
3. How is Japan addressing the issue of misinformation and disinformation?
4. Have you ever encountered misinformation on social media? How did you handle it?
5. Do you think media literacy education is important? Why or why not?

SNSでデマ拡散し世論操作、選挙イヤーで各国警戒 AIで本物そっくりの音声や動画
















SNSでデマ拡散し世論操作、選挙イヤーで各国警戒 AIで本物そっくりの音声や動画
JAPAN Forward