News Discussion
Seibu Group Welcomes New Graduates with Aquarium Ceremony

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Seibu Group Welcomes New Graduates with Aquarium Ceremony

Directions: Read the following article aloud.

On April 1, the Seibu Group hosted an entrance ceremony (nyushashiki) at Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise to welcome newly employed graduates. Situated in Kanazawa, Yokohama, the amusement park is famous for its aquarium.

In spring 2024, the Seibu Group hired 598 fresh graduates from universities and vocational schools, marking their first step into the professional world.

It was the first time for the theme park's aquarium to hold a company entrance ceremony. Dolphins and penguins took center stage, offering a spirited display to "cheer on" the incoming cohort of working professionals. The new graduates erupted in applause as the dolphins soared through the air.

Attending the ceremony was new employee Takuya Kojima, who shared: "My university years were spent in the COVID era, so I'm very happy that we could all participate in the entrance ceremony together."

The new graduates will be working at various entities under the Seibu Group umbrella, including Prince Hotels and Seibu Railway Company.

Source:Seibu Group Welcomes New Graduates with Aquarium Ceremony
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. host ~を主催する、~で主人役を務める、~の司会をする、(客をもてなす)主人、(テレビなどの)司会者
Tokyo hosted the Olympics in 2021 for the first time since 1964.
2. vocational 職業の
After graduation, she decided to pursue a vocational course in automotive mechanics.
3. cheer on 激励する、励ます、声援を送る、応援する、元気づける
Fans from all over the world came to the stadium to cheer on their favorite team.
4. soar (空中を軽々と)飛翔する・上昇する、滑空する、(数値や大きさなどが)急増する、(物価などが)急騰する
As the hot air balloon inflated, it began to soar gracefully into the sky.
5. entity 事業体、存在
The government established a new regulatory entity to monitor environmental standards.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. Where did the Seibu Group host its entrance ceremony for newly employed graduates?
2. What special display did the dolphins and penguins offer during the ceremony?
3. How do you think holding this entrance ceremony might impact the new employees' first impressions of their company?
4. Have you ever participated in an event that celebrated new beginnings? What was it like?
5. What advice would you give to new graduates entering the professional world for the first time?

イルカも600人の門出お祝い 西武グループ、水族館で入社式




出典:イルカも600人の門出お祝い 西武グループ、水族館で入社式
JAPAN Forward