News Discussion
Post-Earthquake Aid to Taiwan Must Meet Local Needs

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Post-Earthquake Aid to Taiwan Must Meet Local Needs

Directions: Read the following article aloud.


On April 3, Taiwan was rocked by a significant earthquake originating in the ocean off its eastern coast. The quake caused extensive damage, particularly in Hualien County and nearby areas, where collapsed buildings and landslides were reported. The Japan Meteorological Agency swiftly issued tsunami warnings for Okinawa, Miyakojima, and Yaeyama Islands, subsequently downgrading them to advisories. Despite the downgrade, aftershocks persist, amplifying anxiety among affected residents.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida pledged Japan's full support to assist Taiwan in its recovery efforts. We should then provide effective assistance that meets local needs — for example, rescue operations, medical care, and helping the victims get by in their daily lives.

The earthquake, with an estimated magnitude of 7.7, was comparable to past seismic events such as the Noto Peninsula Earthquake and the Chi-Chi Earthquake of 1999. Despite its considerable magnitude, the resulting tsunami observed on Miyakojima Island and Yonaguni Island measured a mere 30 centimeters.

The Japanese Archipelago and Taiwan are both situated in earthquake-prone zones along the boundary of the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate. Taiwan notably extended assistance to Japan following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. In turn, Japan reciprocated by being the sole foreign nation to provide aid after an earthquake hit Taiwan's Hualien area in 2018. These instances highlight the importance of maintaining strong bonds of trust and mutual support beyond times of crisis.

Reflecting on historical tragedies like the Great Yaeyama Tsunami of 1771, which claimed over 10,000 lives and had a tsunami wave estimated to be about 30 meters high, prompts a reevaluation of tsunami preparedness strategies. While advances in forecasting technology have improved prediction accuracy, the unpredictable nature of tsunamis necessitates proactive evacuation planning. Prioritizing swift evacuation protocols over reliance on predicted tsunami height or arrival time is crucial to mitigating loss of life in the event of a disaster.

Source:Post-Earthquake Aid to Taiwan Must Meet Local Needs
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. subsequently その後に、のちに、続いて、その次に、それ以降
They completed the first part of the project and subsequently moved on to the next phase.
2. pledge 固く誓う、誓約する、保証する、誓約・公約
The company pledges to reduce its carbon footprint by implementing eco-friendly practices.
3. get by 生き抜く、なんとか生きていく、うまく通り抜ける、チェックをすり抜ける
With just enough money to pay the bills, they barely get by each month.
4. mutual 相互の、お互いの、相補う、共通の、共有した
Sarah and Tom have a mutual respect for each other's opinions.
5. prioritize ~を優先する、優先順位をつける
The sales team prioritized contacting potential clients with the highest probability of closing deals.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. How did the Japanese government respond to the earthquake in Taiwan?
2. What lessons can be learned from historical tragedies like the Great Yaeyama Tsunami of 1771, according to the article?
3. Have you ever experienced an earthquake or another natural disaster? If so, how did you and your community respond?
4. What measures do you think governments can take to better prepare for earthquakes and tsunamis?
5. What are some ways in which communities can support and help each other during and after natural disasters?

台湾で大地震 効果的な支援を届けたい












台湾で大地震 効果的な支援を届けたい
JAPAN Forward