News Discussion
Dogs Don Traditional Attire for Special Temple Procession

Weekly News Digest
産経オンライン英会話 ニュースディスカッション教材

Dogs Don Traditional Attire for Special Temple Procession

Directions: Read the following article aloud.

On April 13, a special procession for dogs took place at Daruma-ji Temple in Oji, Nara Prefecture. The event was held to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Yukimaru, the town's beloved dog mascot character.

Dubbed "Wanwan Chigo Gyoretsu," where "wanwan" is the sound of dogs barking, the event drew inspiration from the traditional Japanese "Chigo Gyoretsu" (children's procession).

In Chigo Gyoretsu, children in colorful costumes and makeup parade through the streets while receiving blessings for their health and growth.

However, this time, the procession was exclusively for dogs. The idea for this event came about when Minako Uemura, a kimono dresser in Oji who designs costumes for Yukimaru, shared her idea with fellow dog lovers on social media.

The procession unfolded as part of the temple's Darumae Shiki festival. It attracted 12 dogs from 7 families across Japan, all decked out in elegant traditional Japanese attire. The dogs strolled around the temple grounds alongside their proud owners. Visitors were delighted to capture snapshots of these charming canines.

Among the participants was Akira Tajima, an agricultural worker from Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture. He joined the event with his two Toy Poodles and two Border Collies. Reflecting on the experience, he expressed, "I am very pleased to have been able to participate with my dogs in this traditional event. It has become a special memory."

Shukei Hino, the head priest of Daruma-ji Temple, also shared his thoughts. He stated, "Many people visit the temple for Shichi-Go-San with their dogs. This was our inaugural attempt [at a dog procession], and we aspire to continue this tradition in the future."

Shichi-Go-San is an age-old Japanese festival for three- and seven-year-old girls and five-year-old boys. It is observed annually on November 15.

Source:Dogs Don Traditional Attire for Special Temple Procession
JAPAN Forward

Key phrases and vocabulary

Directions: First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.
1. procession 行列、行進
The festive procession featured colorful costumes and lively music.
2. exclusively 独占的に、排他的に、もっぱら
The VIP lounge was exclusively reserved for first-class passengers.
3. stroll ぶらつく、散歩する
The elderly couple would often stroll hand in hand through the park.
4. participant 参加者、出場者、関係者
The art exhibition attracted a diverse group of participants.
5. aspire to (目標などの達成)~を目指す、熱望する、切望する
He aspires to become a successful entrepreneur in the tech industry.


Directions: Read the questions aloud and answer them.
1. What was the purpose of the special procession for dogs at Daruma-ji Temple?
2. What inspired the “Wanwan Chigo Gyoretsu” event?
3. What future plans does Shukei Hino, the head priest of Daruma-ji Temple, have for the dog procession?
4. Have you ever participated in a traditional event with your pet? If so, could you share your experience?
5. If you were to design a costume for your pet for a traditional event, what would it look like?






JAPAN Forward