News Discussion
Hundreds of Carp Streamers and Community Spirit Soar in Kumano


Weekly News Digest

Hundreds of Carp Streamers and Community Spirit Soar in Kumano



Directions: Read the following article aloud.

Along the picturesque Shichiri-Mihama Beach in Kumano City, Mie Prefecture, the skyline is adorned with a vibrant display of approximately 250 koinobori carp streamers.

Since 1984, this tradition has marked Japan's annual holiday period from April 29 to May 5, known as "Golden Week." Each year, the streamers dance energetically in the winds blowing from the Kumano Nada sea.

In 2023, the civic group organizing this event announced its discontinuation. However, the city's young adults in their 20s and 30s took up the mantle to ensure the tradition continued, establishing the "Minna no Koinobori no Kai" ("Carp Streamer Association for Everyone").

April 28 was the first day of the festivities. Around 150 local high school students and residents joined forces to put up the carp streamers under the guidance of seasoned members from the previous organizing committee.

Nishigaito (28), the newly appointed representative of the association, shared his connection to the event: "I grew up admiring this scenery since childhood, so I want to work hard to preserve it for future generations."

Source:Hundreds of Carp Streamers and Community Spirit Soar in Kumano It JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. picturesque (景色などが)絵のように美しい、(表現が)生き生きした
    The small village was so picturesque that it seemed to leap out of a storybook.
  2. 2. annual 年間の、年に一度の、例年の、毎年恒例の
    The company holds an annual meeting to discuss future plans.
  3. 3. energetically 活発に、元気いっぱいに、力強く
    The children played energetically in the park all afternoon.
  4. 4. join forces 力を合わせる、協力する
    Artists from different genres joined forces for the charity concert.
  5. 5. preserve 保存する、維持する、保つ
    Efforts are being made to preserve endangered species.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What is special about the skyline along Shichiri-Mihama Beach during the Golden Week?
  2. 2. How long has the tradition of displaying koinobori carp streamers been going on?
  3. 3. Describe the involvement of the local high school students and residents in the festivities.
  4. 4. What are some annual events that you look forward to every year? Why are they special to you?
  5. 5. Do you think it is important for younger generations to preserve cultural traditions? Why?


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「次の世代に残したい」 こいのぼり250匹、熊野灘から吹く風受け元気に 新団体が催し継承 JAPAN Forward


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