News Discussion
With Rampant SNS Fraud, Japanese Gov't Must Regulate Meta


Weekly News Digest

With Rampant SNS Fraud, Japanese Gov't Must Regulate Meta



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


The internet has become a battleground for financial fraud, with social networking sites (SNS) at the center of a rising scam crisis. In Japan, fake accounts and ads impersonating celebrities have led to significant financial losses, with Meta (formerly Facebook) unable to curb the fraudulent activities on its platforms. The National Police Agency reported that investment fraud through SNS spiked in the summer of 2023, with estimated damages of ¥27.8 billion JPY ($178 million USD). Facebook and Instagram were the primary sites used for targeting men and women, respectively.

Victims were often enticed by ads featuring celebrity look-alikes, leading to fraudulent investments, particularly in cryptocurrency. Notable figures like Takuro Morinaga, Yusaku Maezawa, and Takafumi Horie were impersonated in these schemes. Maezawa himself reported 188 cases of fraud under his name, with losses of about ¥2 billion JPY ($12.83 million USD), and criticized Meta for its inaction and increasing misuse of his identity.

Meta's response to the crisis has been lackluster, focusing on corporate profits and deflecting responsibility by calling for a society-wide approach to fraud. Meanwhile, victims are seeking legal action, and Maezawa has expressed his intent to sue. The Japanese government is urged to intervene and consider whether Meta is complicit in the fraud. Immediate action is necessary, as the trend of sophisticated fake information through generative AI poses an escalating threat.

Source:With Rampant SNS Fraud, Japanese Gov't Must Regulate Meta It JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. impersonate なりすます、(騙すために人の)ふりをする
    He tried to impersonate the company’s CEO in the email scam.
  2. 2. curb (有害なものの増大、拡散を)抑制する、抑える、(歩道に)縁石をつける
    The government is trying to curb inflation.
  3. 3. lackluster (経済などが)活気のない、冷え込んでいる、(人が)意欲に欠ける
    Sales have been lackluster this quarter.
  4. 4. complicit 加担した、共謀した
    The government was accused of being complicit in human rights abuses.
  5. 5. escalating エスカレートしている、高まる、(不安などが)募る
    The cost of living is escalating.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What role do social networking sites play in the financial fraud crisis mentioned in the article?
  2. 2. How much financial damage did investment fraud through SNS cause in the summer of 2023 according to the National Police Agency?
  3. 3. What has been Yusaku Maezawa’s response to the fraudulent activities under his name?
  4. 4. In your opinion, what measures could social networking sites implement to prevent financial fraud?
  5. 5. Do you believe that legal action against companies like Meta is effective in combating online fraud? Why or why not?


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SNS詐欺「無策」 政府は規制をためらうな











SNS詐欺「無策」 政府は規制をためらうな JAPAN Forward


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