News Discussion
Japan's Rainy Season Delayed: Latest Forecast


Weekly News Digest

Japan's Rainy Season Delayed:
Latest Forecast



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


According to the Japan Meteorological Agency's (JMA) latest forecast on June 10, the Kanto-Koshin region is expected to enter the rainy season around June 16. This is eight days later than the usual onset of the rainy season, which typically occurs around June 7.

If the rainy season front does not move northward by June 16, some areas may see temporary clear skies due to high pressure. This could result in a significant delay in the start of the rainy season, especially in regions like Kanto-Koshin.

According to the JMA, this year, the northward extension of the Pacific high-pressure system is weaker. Additionally, the westerly winds are meandering further south than usual, causing a delay in the northward movement of the rainy season front.

The JMA forecasts the stationary rainy season front, lingering south of Japan's Nansei Islands, will move northward towards Honshu after June 15. This shift is expected as the Pacific high-pressure system strengthens. It also anticipates that the rainy season will begin in Kyushu to Kanto around this time, at the earliest.

If the rainy season starts after June 17, areas like Kanto-Koshin could experience it beginning in late June. Rainy season onset in the Kanto-Koshin region occurred as late as June 22 in 1967 and 2007, a phenomenon not observed for 17 years.

Northern Kyushu and the Chugoku region are expected to experience the start of the rainy season around June 16. This would mark the fifth latest recorded occurrence in the respective areas.

Across all regions, the onset of the rainy season is anticipated to be later than usual this year. Okinawa and Amami have already entered the rainy season, experiencing delays of nine and eleven days, respectively, compared to most years. Additionally, southern Kyushu, also delayed by nine days, and Shikoku, delayed by four days, have seen the start of the rainy season.

Source:Japan's Rainy Season Delayed: Latest Forecast JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. forecast 予報、予測、天気予報、予想する、予測する
    Economists often attempt to forecast future market trends.
  2. 2. temporary 一時的な、仮の
    The construction work will cause temporary traffic delays.
  3. 3. meander 蛇行する、曲がりくねって流れる、あてもなくさまよう
    The path meanders along the coastline, offering beautiful views.
  4. 4. anticipate 予期する、予想する、楽しみにして待つ
    We anticipate a large crowd at the concert tonight.
  5. 5. recorded occurrence 記録された出来事
    The recorded occurrence of a solar eclipse helped historians date ancient events.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. If the rainy season front does not move northward by June 16, what might some areas experience?
  2. 2. Why is there a delay in the northward movement of the rainy season front?
  3. 3. When did the rainy season onset occur as late as June 22 in the Kanto-Koshinregion in the past?
  4. 4. In your opinion, what could be the possible reasons for the changes in the usual weather patterns?
  5. 5. How do you prepare for the rainy season, and does a delay like this year’s change your preparations?


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