News Discussion
Japan's Plunging Fertility Rate Needs Decisive Intervention


Weekly News Digest

Japan's Plunging Fertility Rate Needs Decisive Intervention



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Japan’s fertility crisis has intensified, with the total fertility rate plunging to a historic low of 1.20 in 2023. The decline is nationwide, with Tokyo’s rate falling below one, to 0.99. This alarming trend is evident from the latest vital statistics released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. A fertility rate of 2.07 is essential to maintain the population, but Japan’s current figures are significantly below this threshold.

The record low birth rate of 727,277, coupled with the first sub-500,000 marriage count since World War II, underscores the gravity of the situation. In response, the House of Councillors enacted legislation on June 5 to reverse the decline, enhancing child allowances, childcare leave benefits, and enabling access to daycare irrespective of employment status. Yet, financial insecurity deters many from starting families, making employment stability and income improvement for the youth paramount.

The government’s strategy extends beyond financial aid; it aims to foster an environment conducive to work-life balance, particularly for women who predominantly shoulder child-rearing responsibilities. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is urged to integrate nation-building and regional development into his demographic policies, envisioning a prosperous, orderly Japan despite a shrinking populace.

As the elderly demographic grows and the workforce dwindles, the labor shortage intensifies, threatening service provision and infrastructure maintenance. Innovative solutions like AI and “clustered settlements” are proposed, alongside a bold reorganization of administrative regions to adapt to these demographic shifts.

Source:Japan's Plunging Fertility Rate Needs Decisive Intervention JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. intensify 強まる、(強さや大きさが)増大する、強化する
    The debate began to intensify as both sides presented strong arguments.
  2. 2. paramount 最高の、主要な、最優先の
    It is paramount that we meet the project deadline.
  3. 3. predominantly 主に、大部分は、圧倒的に
    The audience was predominantly made up of young adults.
  4. 4. envision 構想する、心に描く、直面する
    The architect could envision the completed building before construction began.
  5. 5. clustered settlements 集約された居住地
    The government plans to develop clustered settlements to optimize land use.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What is the significance of the fertility rate reaching 1.20 in Japan?
  2. 2. Why is financial support for child-rearing considered critical in Japan?
  3. 3. What are some proposed solutions to the challenges posed by demographic changes?
  4. 4. How do you think the declining fertility rate in Japan might affect future generations, including your own?
  5. 5. What are your thoughts on the use of AI and technology to address societal issues such as labor shortages?


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Weekly News Digest

出生率最低1.20 人口減社会の国家像示せ












出典:出生率最低1.20 人口減社会の国家像示せ JAPAN Forward


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