News Discussion
Hidden Wonders | Art Aquarium GINZA Presents Special Summer Exhibition


Weekly News Digest

Hidden Wonders | Art Aquarium GINZA Presents Special Summer Exhibition



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


An early summer exhibition is currently underway at the Art Aquarium Museum GINZA in Chuo Ward, Tokyo. This event runs until June 24, offering an enchanting space of purple and ultramarine hues adorned with wisteria, hydrangea, and around 100 varieties of 5,000 goldfish. It is a visual feast that has visitors snapping photos non-stop.

Popular for its fusion of nature, art, and technology, the museum creates an immersive experience through its innovative use of lighting and soundtracks.

Yuki Yoshida, who visited with her daughter from Saitama Prefecture commented, "The 'flowerium' [flower terrarium] exhibit in collaboration with [flower artist] Shogo Kariyazaki was particularly impressive."

Source:Hidden Wonders | Art Aquarium GINZA Presents Special Summer Exhibition JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. currently 現在のところ、目下、今や、容易に・スラスラと
    We are currently working on a project that aims to reduce carbon emissions in our city.
  2. 2. underway (作業・計画などが)進行中で・すでに始まっていている、(列車・船などが)進行・航行中で
    The investigation into the recent cyberattack is underway.
  3. 3. adorned with ~で装飾されている、(生地などが柄などを)施されている
    Her hair was adorned with delicate flowers for the wedding.
  4. 4. immersive 没入感のある、没入型の
    The virtual reality headset provides an immersive world.
  5. 5. use of ~の試用・活用・行使・利用
    Proper use of tools and equipment is essential for ensuring safety in the workplace.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. How many varieties of goldfish are featured in the exhibition?
  2. 2. What elements does the museum use to create an immersive experience?
  3. 3. What is your favorite way to experience art (e.g., paintings, sculptures, digital art, etc.) and why?
  4. 4. Do you prefer visiting exhibitions alone or with friends and family? Why?
  5. 5. What kind of music or sounds do you think would enhance an art exhibit for you?


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Weekly News Digest

花と金魚がおりなす艶空間 アートアクアリウム美術館GINZA、 初夏の企画展


アートアクアリウム美術館GINZA(東京都中央区)の初夏の企画展「風薫る、藤と紫陽花 初夏きんぎょ」が人気を呼んでいる。



出典:花と金魚がおりなす艶空間 アートアクアリウム美術館GINZA、初夏の企画展 JAPAN Forward


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