News Discussion
New Ways to Experience Sumo Offer a Taste of Japanese Culture and Traditions


Weekly News Digest

New Ways to Experience Sumo Offer a Taste of Japanese Culture and Traditions

日本を訪れる外国人観光客の間では日本の伝統芸能や文化が大人気のようです。中でも相撲は昨年世界配信されたドラマの影響もあってか、 特に大人気なんだとか。外国の友だちを案内するとしたら、あなたならどんなところに連れていきますか?考えながら読んでみてください。


Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Sumo's popularity is rising among inbound tourists to Japan. Rooted in ancient myths and traditions, sumo fascinates Western visitors. Osaka now hosts new event halls, with sumo events quickly becoming a sought-after experience. The sumo experience program, a venture by the Osaka Tourism Bureau and Daito Club, started in 2019, offering visitors the chance to learn about sumo traditions, participate in rituals, and enjoy sumo cuisine “chankonabe”.

Hanshin Contents Link opened THE SUMO HALL Hirakuza Osaka in May, offering shows tailored for international visitors, with seating for 180 and explanations in Japanese and English. Reservations have come from over ten countries.

The Japan Sumo Association's efforts in promoting sumo globally and the presence of foreign wrestlers have increased international spectators to 30% at professional matches. Contributing to this growing interest is the TV drama "Sanctuary," which portrays the lives of young sumo wrestlers. Released in 2023 and widely recognized through online streaming, it has significantly enhanced the sport's global appeal. The Jalan Research Center observed that during the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals explored TV dramas, leading to heightened interest in activities such as watching sumo.

Also, travel agencies like JTB, offering guided sumo tours, have furtherfueled interest. JTB's tours, especially popular among tourists from Europe, the US, and Australia, sold out rapidly, indicating sumo's growing appeal to international audiences.

Source:New Ways to Experience Sumo Offer a Taste of Japanese Culture and Traditions JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. sought-after 人気が高くて入手困難な、引っ張りだこの、引く手あまたの
    The chef's restaurant is highly sought-after for its unique dishes.
  2. 2. tailored for~ ~に合わせた、~向きの
    The marketing strategy was tailored for the local market's preferences.
  3. 3. presence 存在、いること、出席・参列・同席
    Her presence at the meeting made everyone feel more confident.
  4. 4. observe (~に)気づく、(~を)目の当たりにする、意見を述べる、観察する、見学する、観測する、(規則や法律を)順守する
    The guide observed the historical significance of the monument.
  5. 5. fuel (感情などを)あおる・刺激する、(燃えるものに~を)くべる・注ぐ、燃料、(感情や行動の)動機
    Social media posts fueled the spread of misinformation rapidly.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What does the experience program started by the Osaka Tourism Bureau and Daito Club offer?
  2. 2. How has the TV drama "Sanctuary" contributed to the global appeal of sumo?
  3. 3. Have you ever watched sumo matches, either in person or through broadcasts? What fascinated you the most?
  4. 4. Do you think sumo's appeal to international audiences will continue to grow in the future? Why or why not?
  5. 5. If you were to take your friends or guests from overseas to experience a Japanese traditional sport or event, what would you choose?


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Weekly News Digest

「聖域」効果も 日本の伝統・文化を体験できる相撲ショーが インバウンドに人気で大阪に新施設






音楽、イベント事業などを手がける阪神コンテンツリンク(大阪市)も5月30日、訪日客向けに相撲ショーを見せるホール「THE SUMO HALL 日楽座 OSAKA」(ザ・スモウホール ヒラクザ オオサカ)を複合商業施設「なんばパークス」(同市浪速区)内に開業する。






東京ディズニーシーの新エリア公開、開園以降最大の拡張 6月6日開業 JAPAN Forward


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