News Discussion
Paying Tribute to Time at a Clock Festival


Weekly News Digest

Paying Tribute to Time at a Clock Festival



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


The Water Clock Festival was held at Omi Shrine in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture on June 10, a day known as "Time Memorial Day" in Japan. The shrine is dedicated to Emperor Tenji, who, according to The Nihon Shoki, oversaw the first telling of time by a water clock in 671 AD.

During the festival, the priest reported the advancement of clocks to the shrine's deity and prayed for their further development. People in the timepiece industry and tourism ambassadors for Otsu also participated, dressed in traditional court costumes.

They dedicated new products from domestic timepiece makers to the shrine. Chief Priest Michihiro Amitani remarked, "We are sustained within the flow of many lives. I hope everyone reconsiders the importance of time and cherishes it."

Source:Paying Tribute to Time at a Clock Festival JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. be dedicated to ~ ~に捧げられる、~のために尽くす、~に忠実・献身的である、~に専念する
    This memorial garden is dedicated to the soldiers who fought in the war.
  2. 2. oversee  (人や仕事を)監督・監視する、隠れてこっそり見る
    The supervisor oversees the construction site to make sure everything is done safely.
  3. 3. deity (多神教の)神
    Many ancient cultures worshiped deities that represented natural elements like the sun.
  4. 4. sustain (~の存在を)持続・維持する、(努力などを)持続させる、(構造物を下から)支える、(人を)養う
    Efforts to sustain the local wildlife are crucial for maintaining biodiversity.
  5. 5. reconsider 考え直す、再考する、見直す、(議決などを)再び審議する
    The teacher suggested that the student reconsider his approach to studying for the exams.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. Who is Omi shrine in Otsu dedicated to?
  2. 2. What did the priest do during the festival to appreciate the advancement of clocks?
  3. 3. Have you ever attended a festival that celebrates something unique? What was it about?
  4. 4. How do you keep track of time in your daily life? Do you use a watch, phone, or something else?
  5. 5. What cultural traditions related to timekeeping exist in your country?


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Weekly News Digest

「時の記念日」に漏刻祭 近江神宮、時計の発展祈る





出店:「時の記念日」に漏刻祭 近江神宮、時計の発展祈る JAPAN Forward


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