News Discussion
Counterfeit Currency Outdated Against New 3-D Banknotes and Cashless Transactions


Weekly News Digest

Counterfeit Currency Outdated Against New 3-D Banknotes and Cashless Transactions



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Japan is preparing to release three new banknotes in July. One of these features Eiichi Shibusawa, recognized as the "father of modern Japanese economy." The primary objective behind this release is to combat counterfeit currency, following a significant decline in such bills discovered in 2023. Factors contributing to this decline include the increasing prevalence of cashless transactions and reduced use of physical cash.

Historically, Japan has faced notable counterfeit currency cases, like the Chi-37 incident, which involved sophisticated fake 1,000 yen notes. The Ministry of Finance is introducing advanced anti-counterfeiting measures on the new banknotes, including a pioneering 3D hologram and UV-reactive ink. Despite these advancements, concerns persist regarding state-sponsored counterfeiting, exemplified by the nearly perfect counterfeit 100 US dollar "supernotes" linked to North Korea.

In response to societal shifts towards cashless transactions, electronic money systems like Suica and ICOCA, alongside QR code payments, have gained significant popularity. These systems are used for a wide range of everyday payments, from subway and train fares to purchases at convenience stores. QR code payments, in particular, have rapidly gained popularity as a more convenient and faster payment method compared to cash.

Law enforcement remains vigilant against counterfeit currency, adapting to cybercrime threats targeting digital payments and cryptocurrencies.

Source:Counterfeit Currency Outdated Against New 3-D Banknotes and Cashless Transactions JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. primary 最初の、一番目の、基本の
    I enrolled in the course with the primary aim of improving my English speaking skills.
  2. 2. prevalence いきわたること、普及、流行
    The prevalence of smartphones has changed how we communicate significantly.
  3. 3. counterfeit 偽の、偽造の、見せかけの、(~を)偽造する、偽物・偽造品
    She found out that the market was full of counterfeit designer handbags.
  4. 4. persist 存続する、生き残る、持続する、根強く残る、しつこく主張する、あくまでやり通す
    The rain persisted throughout the day, making outdoor activities difficult.
  5. 5. vigilant 油断がない、警戒している、~を怠らない、用心深い、(危険などに)気を配っている、慎重な、緊張感を持った
    As a parent, you need to be vigilant about what your children are exposed to online.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. Who is featured on one of the new banknotes, and why is he significant?
  2. 2. What factors have contributed to the decline in counterfeit currency?
  3. 3. Do you prefer using cash or electronic payments like QR codes? Why?
  4. 4. How do you think the increasing use of cashless transactions affects everyday life in your country?
  5. 5. In your opinion, do you believe cash transactions will disappear in the future?


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Weekly News Digest

偽造紙幣はかつての30分の1 過去には未解決事件も  背景にキャッシュレス化の進行













偽札は、国家秩序を揺るがす犯罪として古くから小説などのモチーフとなってきた。アニメ映画の宮崎駿監督の出世作といわれる『ルパン三世 カリオストロの城』の舞台設定も偽札事件だ。

出店:日本語関連記事: 偽造紙幣はかつての30分の1 過去には未解決事件も  背景にキャッシュレス化の進行 JAPAN Forward


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