News Discussion
Life with Furoshiki: The Shapeshifting Cloth Making Its Way into the World


Weekly News Digest

Life with Furoshiki: The Shapeshifting Cloth Making Its Way into the World



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


The traditional Japanese cloth, furoshiki, can transform into various practical forms like bags or mats with a touch of creativity. Originating in the Muromachi period (1336-1573) as a bath mat, furoshiki’s reusability has recently gained appreciation for its eco-friendly qualities, attracting both locals and visitors. To explore this versatile cloth, I visited Musubi, a specialty store in Kyoto’s Nakagyo Ward, which offers workshops on wrapping techniques.

During a workshop, an instructor guided participants on wrapping techniques, and after several attempts, a participant successfully wrapped a bottle. Eight-year-old Hana Muyama from Kyoto shared her excitement about using furoshiki in daily life, mentioning she bought a waterproof one for swimming. Tourists admired the colorful furoshiki in the store, and Etsuko Yamada, the PR manager, noted the global rise in environmental awareness has increased interest in furoshiki, with about half of Musubi’s customers being visitors.

I later walked through Kyoto with Kosuke Nakamura, who regularly uses furoshiki. His furoshiki bag perfectly matched the Kyoto streetscape. Kosuke, who will study in the UK, hopes his furoshiki will spark cultural exchanges. This versatile cloth can wrap almost anything, and while mastering all techniques takes time, I plan to keep one in my camera bag as a conversation starter.

Source:Life with Furoshiki: The Shapeshifting Cloth Making Its Way into the World JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. transform into~ ~に姿を変える、~に変わる
    The magician can transform a handkerchief into a dove.
  2. 2. attract 引き込む、引き付ける、魅了する、呼び込む、招く、誘致する
    Discounts and special offers attract shoppers during the holiday season.
  3. 3. participant 参加者
    The conference had over 500 participants from around the world.
  4. 4. awareness 意識、気づいていること、自覚していること
    Public awareness about environmental issues is increasing.
  5. 5. versatile 多目的に使える、用途の広い、万能な
    The smartphone is a versatile tool that can be used for communication, photography, and entertainment.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. When did furoshiki originate, and what was its initial use?
  2. 2. Why has furoshiki gained recent appreciation, and who is it attracting?
  3. 3. What does Kosuke Nakamura hope to achieve with his furoshiki when he studies in the UK?
  4. 4. Have you ever used a furoshiki? If yes, what did you use it for? If no, would you like to try it? Why or why not?
  5. 5. Do you think furoshiki could become popular in other countries? Why or why not?


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Weekly News Digest

ふろしきのある暮らし エコで世界を包む魔法の布 京都市





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出典:ふろしきのある暮らし エコで世界を包む魔法の布 京都市 JAPAN Forward


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