News Discussion
'Shogun' Starring Hiroyuki Sanada Leads with 25 Emmy Nods


Weekly News Digest

'Shogun' Starring Hiroyuki Sanada Leads with 25 Emmy Nods



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


The TV series Shogun, starring the acclaimed actor Hiroyuki Sanada, has made headlines by receiving 25 Emmy nominations. The Emmy Awards are prestigious honors for outstanding achievements in television in the United States. Notably, Sanada is also a producer for the series.

Sanada's acting career began in childhood and spans several decades, covering period dramas, contemporary dramas, television, film, and stage performances. Born in Tokyo in 1960, he started acting at age five and joined the Japan Action Club (JAC) at 13, where he trained in traditional Japanese dance and martial arts. His film debut was in Shogun's Samurai in 1978, and he gained recognition with roles in Shogun's Ninja and The Twilight Samurai. His international career took a significant turn in 1999 when he became the first Asian actor to perform in the Royal Shakespeare Company's King Lear.

Sanada's Hollywood breakthrough came with The Last Samurai in 2003, where his role as Ujio earned him notable acclaim. He continued to make an impact internationally with appearances in Rush Hour 3 and 47 Ronin. His efforts to ensure accurate and natural portrayals of Japanese characters in Hollywood films contributed to his debut as a producer in Shogun, where he stars as Lord Yoshii Toranaga and strives for an authentic depiction of Japan's Sengoku period.

Source:'Shogun' Starring Hiroyuki Sanada Leads with 25 Emmy Nods JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. star (映画やドラマなどが俳優を)主役として使う、主演する、優れた仕事をする
    I decide which movie to watch based on who is starring and who is directing.
  2. 2. gain recognition 認知度を高める、認められる、評価される、重要視される
    He gained recognition as a talented chef in the local culinary scene.
  3. 3. take a turn 転機を迎える、(ある方向に)曲がる、ハンドルを切る、交代する、引き受ける
    The project took a significant turn when they unexpectedly received additional funding.
  4. 4. ensure ~を保証する・確かにする・請け合う、危険などから守る
    The guidelines were established to ensure the highest level of safety in the workplace.
  5. 5. contribute (良い/悪い結果を生じる)一因となる、寄与する、貢献する、寄付・献金する、寄港・投稿する
    Teamwork and collaboration contribute to achieving our goals efficiently.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. In which film did Sanada's Hollywood career take off?
  2. 2. What has Sanada's work in Hollywood films contributed to his role as a producer in Shogun?
  3. 3. Have you ever watched a TV series or film that won an award? How did it affect your view of the show or movie?
  4. 4. What are some qualities you think are important for an actor to gain recognition?
  5. 5. What do you think makes a film or TV show successful internationally? Do you think cultural accuracy is important?


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Weekly News Digest



米テレビ界の最高栄誉であるエミー賞候補で、俳優の真田広之さん(63)が初プロデュースし、主演した「SHOGUN 将軍」が、作品賞など最多の25ノミネートを果たした。子役出身の真田さんの芸歴は長く、時代劇から現代劇、テレビ、映画、舞台…と目まぐるしく活躍の場を変えてきた。今や海外で活躍する日本人俳優の代表格だが、軸にあるのはアクション俳優出身の身体性や殺陣の美しさ、日本舞踊で磨いた和の所作だ。


1978年、「柳生一族の陰謀」(深作欣二監督)で映画デビューし、20歳で早くも映画「忍者武芸帖 百地三太夫」で映画初主演を果たすなど、整った容姿とスタント不要の身体性、洗練された和の所作で一躍、注目を浴びた。以後、映画「写楽」(1995年)、「たそがれ清兵衛」(2002年)、「亡国のイージス」(2005年)のほか、ドラマ「太平記」(1991年)、「高校教師」(1993年)など数々の主演作で、トップ俳優の地位を築いた。



以後、「ラッシュアワー3」(2007年)で香港出身のアクションスターであるジャッキー・チェンの敵役として、初共演を果たしたほか、日本の忠臣蔵をモチーフにした映画「47 RONIN」(2013年)では大石内蔵助役で主演するなど、海外で勝負する日々を送り続けてきた。

中でも時代劇の製作現場では、これまでの経験と知識を生かし「日本文化代表の気持ちで」監督や美術、殺陣師ら海外スタッフにも意見を述べ続け、日本人役として不自然にならない配慮を求め続けた。その延長上に今回のハリウッド時代劇「SHOGUN 将軍」(全10話)があり、初めて製作にも名前を連ねた。戦国時代の日本を正しく伝えることにこだわり、今作では日本の時代劇スタッフも撮影現場に呼んだ上で主人公、吉井虎永役で主演している。

出典:「将軍」でエミー賞最多25ノミネート 真田広之さん、海外で活躍する日本人俳優の代表格 JAPAN Forward


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