News Discussion
Strange Guardrails in Tokyo's Nerima Ward


Weekly News Digest

Strange Guardrails in Tokyo's Nerima Ward



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


I came across some peculiar guardrails in a residential area of Nerima Ward, Tokyo, not far from Ekoda Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line. There were eight of them, arranged inexplicably in what appeared to be a small triangular maze.

Adjacent to these guardrails were vending machines, suggesting it might be a convenient spot to take a break and grab a drink. However, I couldn't help but wonder why benches weren't provided instead of guardrails, which would surely offer more comfort.

To unravel this mystery, I reached out to Nerima Ward's road and park division. According to them, these guardrails were actually installed around 2012 to address issues such as abandoned bicycles and illegal parking. It turns out that this space was not intended as a resting area after all.

Source:Strange Guardrails in Tokyo's Nerima Ward JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. come across ~に出くわす・遭遇する、~を偶然見つける、~を横切る、(感情などが)思い浮かぶ、心をよぎる
    I came across an interesting article while reading the newspaper.
  2. 2. inexplicably 不可解にも、不思議なことに、どういうわけか、どうしたことか、説明できないほどに
    The train inexplicably changed direction without any announcement.
  3. 3. adjacent 隣接した、隣り合った
    Why don't we meet up for a quick chat at a coffee shop adjacent to the public library?
  4. 4. can’t help but ~せずにはいられない、つい~してしまう、~せざるを得ない
    She can't help but feel nervous before a big test, even though she studied hard.
  5. 5. turn out 結局~であることが判明する、結果~になる、~に進展する
    The interview with my boss turned out better than I expected, and I got promoted.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What unusual thing did the photojournalist come across, and why did he think benches would be more useful than the guardrails?
  2. 2. What was the actual reason for installing the guardrails, according to Nerima Ward's road and park division?
  3. 3. Have you ever seen any unusual objects or installations in your neighborhood?
  4. 4. How do you feel about the ethical issues related to the misuse of public spaces, such as abandoned bicycles and illegal parking?
  5. 5. Do you think there should be stricter regulations for the use of public spaces?


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Weekly News Digest

4.日本語関連記事:謎の三角ガードレール 東京都練馬区





出典:謎の三角ガードレール 東京都練馬区 The Sankei Shimbun


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