News Discussion
Onosato, Now Ozeki, Builds Hope for a Future Yokozuna


Weekly News Digest

Onosato, Now Ozeki, Builds Hope for a Future Yokozuna



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Sekiwake Onosato recently won the Autumn Basho with 13 wins and two losses, securing promotion to ozeki after just nine tournaments since his debut. This rapid rise makes him the fastest wrestler to reach the ozeki rank since the Showa era began in 1926. At 24 years old, the Ishikawa Prefecture native now carries the hopes of the sumo world. As he steps onto the dohyo, there is anticipation that he might rise even further to become a yokozuna, especially since Japan has lacked a strong native-born wrestler at that rank for some time.

Onosato’s success has been particularly uplifting for his hometown, which has faced significant hardships due to recent natural disasters. His rise is symbolic for many in the area, providing a source of joy and inspiration amidst the recovery efforts. The new ozeki, whose real name is Daiki Nakamura, adopted his professional name in imitation of an earlier Onosato. This predecessor was a small grappler but held the rank of ozeki for seven years from the Taisho era (1912-26) into the Showa era (1926-89). Onosato's mentor, stablemaster Nishonoseki (former yokozuna Kisenosato), is the one who bestowed his name, intending to give it to a disciple he believed could leave a lasting mark on the top ranks of the sumo world.

Despite his physical gifts, some believe Onosato’s technique still needs refinement. He has yet to fully master using the mawashi belt in matches, leading to vulnerabilities at the edge of the dohyo. Nevertheless, fans are eager to see him improve and restore strength to the ozeki ranks, which have been weakened by injuries and retirements. The sumo world has high hopes that Onosato will uphold the traditions and dignity of the sport, possibly becoming a beloved figure who can inspire future generations.

Source:Onosato, Now Ozeki, Builds Hope for a Future Yokozuna JAPAN Forward


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2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. secure 【他動詞】~を確保する、~を確実に手に入れる、【形容詞】不安のない、安全な
    She worked hard to secure a scholarship for her studies abroad.
  2. 2. uplifting 励みになる、(精神的に)高揚させる
    His speech at the ceremony was both inspiring and uplifting.
  3. 3. bestow 授ける、与える
    The king bestowed the title of knight upon the brave soldier.
  4. 4. leave a lasting mark 長く残る影響を与える、永続的な影響を残す
    The famous artist's work has left a lasting mark on modern art.
  5. 5. restore strength 力を取り戻す、強さを取り戻す
    The government’s goal is to restore strength to the economy.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. How many tournaments did it take for Onosato to be promoted to ozeki?
  2. 2. Why is Onosato’s success important for his hometown?
  3. 3. Who gave Onosato his professional name, and why?
  4. 4. What aspect of Onosato's technique is considered to need improvement?
  5. 5. Do you think it’s important for famous people to bring hope and inspiration to their hometowns, like Onosato does? Why or why not?


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4.日本語関連記事:大の里が新大関に 最高位へと一層の精進を














出典:大の里が新大関に 最高位へと一層の精進を The Sankei Shimbun


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