News Discussion
UNIQLO Founder Stirs Heated Debate on What's Best for Japan's Workforce of the Future


Weekly News Digest

UNIQLO Founder Stirs Heated Debate on What's Best for Japan's Workforce of the Future



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Tadashi Yanai, CEO of Fast Retailing (UNIQLO), stirred controversy with his remark that "the Japanese people may perish" if productivity doesn't improve. He advocates for increased immigration to address Japan's declining labor force, suggesting that immigrants could fill intellectual roles in management and research. Yanai believes Japan needs to follow other countries' examples to achieve efficiency with fewer workers, warning that a shrinking population could lead to the unavailability of public services.

However, Yusaku Maezawa, founder of ZOZO, strongly disagreed. He argued on social media that Japan's future strength lies in preserving its national identity and rejecting ablind embrace of globalism. In contrast, Takafumi Horie, another entrepreneur, dismissed Maezawa's view as naive, noting that globalization is already happening and cannot be stopped without extreme measures like closing the country. Hiroshi Mikitani, CEO of Rakuten, also commented, pointing out that Japan lacks energy and that recent labor reforms capping working hours hurt competitiveness in intellectual industries.

Yoichi Takahashi, a former Ministry of Finance official, provided a broader perspective, stating that the question of Japan's survival is a macroeconomic issue related to fiscal and monetary policy. He added that while Yanai and Maezawa are discussing business strategies, there are many ways to manage a company, making it impossible to declare one approach as the best.

Source:UNIQLO Founder Stirs Heated Debate on What's Best for Japan's Workforce of the Future JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. stir 引き起こす、扇動する、かき混ぜる
    The speech stirred the crowd into action.
  2. 2. perish 滅びる、消滅する
    Many ancient civilizations perished due to natural disasters.
  3. 3. advocate for ~を提唱する、主張する、擁護する
    He strongly advocates for the use of renewable energy.
  4. 4. blind embrace 無分別な受け入れ、盲目的な受け入れ
    A blind embrace of consumerism can lead to environmental damage.
  5. 5. dismiss 退ける、却下する、解散させる
    He quickly dismissed the rumors as false.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What did Tadashi Yanai suggest as a solution to Japan's declining labor force?
  2. 2. Why did Yusaku Maezawa disagree with Yanai's proposal on immigration?
  3. 3. Have you ever experienced or observed a labor shortage in your country? How was it addressed?
  4. 4. What is your opinion on accepting more immigrants to fill roles in intellectual industries? Do you think this would work in your country?
  5. 5. Do you think it’s important to preserve a country’s national identity, or is it more important to adapt to global trends? Why??


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Weekly News Digest

4.日本語関連記事:ユニクロ柳井氏「日本人は滅びる」発言で波紋 ネット上で賛否、 著名実業家も参戦



発端は8月下旬の日本テレビによるインタビューで、柳井氏が「少数精鋭で仕事するということを覚えないと日本人は滅びるんじゃないですか」と指摘したことだ。 労働力の減少が進む中で、生産性アップに向けた取り組みは不可避との認識を示し、海外のように管理職や研究職など知的労働に携わる移民を受け入れ、少人数でも成果を出すべくレベルアップを図るべきだと訴えた。







出典:ユニクロ柳井氏「日本人は滅びる」発言で波紋 ネット上で賛否、著名実業家も参戦 The Sankei Shimbun


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