News Discussion
Why Did the Jizo Statue Block the Road?


Weekly News Digest

Why Did the Jizo Statue Block the Road?



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


While driving through the rural and residential areas of Moka City in Tochigi Prefecture, I noticed what seemed to be a person standing right in the middle of the road. I approached the figure cautiously, only to realize it was a Jizo statue.

While stone statues like this are common in Japan, they are usually placed along roadsides to offer protection and guide the souls of the deceased. Finding one in the middle of the road, however, is definitely unusual.

According to the book History of Ninomiya Town, this area was once part of a temple's approach path before the town was merged with Moka City. After the temple was abandoned in the 1800s, a new road was constructed, and the Jizo statue was relocated. However, following a series of misfortunes in the village, the statue was returned to its original position in 1847 — right in the middle of the road.

With a road width of about 5 meters (16 feet), vehicles have no choice but to slow down. Consequently, the Jizo statue also plays a role in enhancing traffic safety in the area.

Source:Why Did the Jizo Statue Block the Road? JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. rural 田舎の、地方の、農業の
    The rural lifestyle is peaceful but sometimes lacks modern conveniences.
  2. 2. cautiously 注意深く、用心深く、慎重に
    The doctor spoke cautiously, trying not to worry the patient.
  3. 3. deceased 故人、死去した、亡き~
    The police are investigating the cause of death of the deceased person.
  4. 4. abandon 放棄する、置き去りにする、見捨てる、(土地などを)明け渡す、計画・勝負・希望・習慣などを)諦める・断念する
    They had to abandon the car when it broke down.
  5. 5. consequently 結果的に、その結果として、それゆえ
    The company failed to launch the new business; consequently, they had to lay off workers.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What did the author first think the figure in the middle of the road was?
  2. 2. How does the presence of the Jizo statue affect traffic in the area?
  3. 3. Have you ever seen a statue or landmark that surprised you in your city or while traveling? What was it?
  4. 4. What other traditions or beliefs about protecting people or areas from bad luck do you know?
  5. 5. Do you believe in or respect the spiritual practices that are common in your country?


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Weekly News Digest

4.日本語関連記事:道の真ん中にお地蔵さま、その真相は? 栃木県真岡市





出典:道の真ん中にお地蔵さま、その真相は? 栃木県真岡市 The Sankei Shimbun


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