News Discussion
Can Rock Change Yokosuka? Bring On the Music!


Weekly News Digest

Can Rock Change Yokosuka? Bring On the Music!



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


The MIND・ROCK・AWARD 2024, the biggest band contest in Japan, took place in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, on September 7-8. Out of 203 bands and artists from all over Japan, 17 finalists competed, and the winner will be called the Yokosuka Rock 'n' Roll Ambassador. The champion will lead a live show at the Yokosuka Arts Theatre on November 4. Yokosuka, influenced by its American military base, is working to become a center for music, sports, and entertainment. This contest, now in its second year, looks for artists over 40 to honor rock's timeless spirit.

The mood at the venue was lively, with loud drumbeats and an excited audience. A standout performer, a female musician, amazed the crowd with her raw guitar playing and strong voice. A surprise performance by Mayor Katsuaki Kamiji’s band made the event even more exciting. Kamiji, a former musician himself, danced and sang, getting cheers from the crowd. Takatomo Nozawa, a famous producer and judge, praised the event for its influence, saying it's rare for a local government to host such a big contest.

Mayor Kamiji spoke about the early doubts over the city's focus on rock music, stressing that music is a tool for change. He hopes to use rock to renew Yokosuka, a town with deep connections to America because of the military base. This event showed the strong link between Yokosuka and American culture, making it a perfect way to celebrate the town's special identity.

Source:Can Rock Change Yokosuka? Bring On the Music! JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. take place (計画されていたことが)行われる・開催される、(災害・事故などが)起こる、         ~(時・場所)を舞台に繰り広げられる
    Their wedding ceremony will take place on the beach next Saturday.
  2. 2. work to become ~になるために取り組む
    She is working to become a better athlete by training every day.
  3. 3. honor ~を称賛する、褒めたたえる
    We should always honor our teachers for their hard work.
  4. 4. standout 傑出した、際立った、傑出した人(もの)、素晴らしい人(もの)
    She was the standout player in the basketball game last night.
  5. 5. renew ~を新しくする、更新する
    I need to renew my passport before my trip next month.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What is the prize for the winning band of the MIND・ROCK・AWARD contest?
  2. 2. What is the qualification for bands and artists to participate in the contest?
  3. 3. Have you ever been to a live music event or concert? What was it like?
  4. 4. Do you believe it's important for local governments to support music and entertainment?
  5. 5. What type of music would you choose for a music event in your hometown, and why?


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Weekly News Digest




日本最大規模のバンドコンテスト「MIND・ROCK・AWARD 2024」が9月7、8の両日、神奈川県横須賀市で開かれた。コンテストに応募してきたのは、北は北海道から南は沖縄までの203バンド・アーティストたちだ。このうち選抜された17バンドが横須賀市の最終審査で演奏を披露した。










出典:横須賀をロックで変えられるか!音楽を持って来い! JAPAN Forward


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