News Discussion
Play Your Way to 100: New 'Game of Life' Celebrates Longevity


Weekly News Digest

Play Your Way to 100: New 'Game of Life' Celebrates Longevity



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Takara Tomy has released The 100-Year Game of Life, a new version of its popular board game designed in collaboration with Hakuhodo's 100-Year Life Research Institute. Addressing Japan's aging population and declining birth rates, the game encourages players to envision a fulfilling 100-year life by focusing on joy and well-being rather than wealth accumulation. Released on November 23, Labor Thanksgiving Day, the game introduces "Well-Being Points" as a measure of success, with players aiming to celebrate their 100th birthday with the highest score.

At the ages of 20 and 60, players select from 14 "Value Cards," such as "Health Enthusiast" or "Passionate Worker," to define life priorities that influence how points are gained or lost. Developed through insights gathered at the institute's 100-Year Life Café in Tokyo and a global survey conducted on the International Day of Happiness, the game reflects diverse attitudes toward longevity.

The survey revealed that Japanese participants were less optimistic about long life compared to respondents from other nations, with only 20% viewing a 100-year lifespan positively, citing reasons like "more opportunities."

The game aims to inspire optimism by emphasizing the potential joys and benefits of a longer life. Priced at ¥3,960 JPY (around $25 USD), it requires the eighth edition of The Game of Life, released in April 2023 for ¥5,500 (around $35 USD). The institute hopes the game will resonate with players in their 30s to 50s, encouraging reflection on future aspirations and priorities.

Source:Play Your Way to 100: New 'Game of Life' Celebrates Longevity JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. well-being 幸福(な状態)、健康(な状態)、福祉
    A healthy diet is essential for maintaining overall well-being.
  2. 2. accumulation 蓄積、蓄財、資産の形成
    The accumulation of dust in the room made it difficult to breathe.
  3. 3. optimistic 楽観的な、楽観主義の
    He is optimistic about finding a new job soon.
  4. 4. resonate 共鳴する、反響する、心に響く、鳴り響く
    His ideas about equality resonate with many young people today.
  5. 5. aspiration 志望、強い願望、大志
    The company supports employees' professional aspirations.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What is the main focus of The 100-Year Game of Life compared to the original version?
  2. 2. What are "Value Cards," and how do they affect the game?
  3. 3. Who is the target audience for this game, and what does the institute hope they will gain from playing it?
  4. 4. What do you think would make a 100-year life fulfilling for you?
  5. 5. If you were to create a game about life, what key lessons or themes would you include?


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Weekly News Digest

博報堂とタカラトミー「100年人生ゲーム」開発 疑似体験で長寿社会を前向きに生きよう



100年人生ゲームは、お金を集めて億万長者を目指す通常の人生ゲームと違い、幸福を点数化した「ウェルビーイングポイント(ウェルポ)」をゴールの「100歳の誕生日」までに最も多く集めたプレーヤーの勝利となる。 20歳と60歳の誕生日のマスでは、健康を重視する「健康マニア」や仕事の成功を第一に考える「情熱ワーカー」など、プレーヤーの価値観を表す14種類の「価値観カード」から1枚を選択。その後のゲームでは、引いたカードによって同じマスに止まっても獲得できたり、喪失したりするウェルポが異なる。

ゲームのマスやカードのエピソードは、東京・巣鴨にある研究所の活動拠点「100年生活カフェ かたりば」の来店者へのヒアリングやアンケートで得られた実際の体験談に基づいて作成。他人の体験を知ることで「自分の人生に起きるかもしれない幸せな体験」を考え、100年人生のポジティブな面に注目してもらう。






出典:博報堂とタカラトミー「100年人生ゲーム」開発 疑似体験で長寿社会を前向きに生きよう JAPAN Forward


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