News Discussion
Sake Brewing Custom Gets a Boost from UN Heritage Seal


Weekly News Digest

Sake Brewing Custom Gets a Boost from UN Heritage Seal



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Japan's traditional sake brewing culture has been inscribed as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, highlighting the global recognition of the techniques behind sake, shochu, and awamori production. Sake is integral to Japanese ceremonies like weddings and festivals, contributing to community bonding. Made using koji mold, sake’s unique flavor distinguishes it from other alcoholic beverages, reflecting centuries-old techniques dating back to the Muromachi period (1338-1573). These methods have been tailored to local climates and passed down through generations, preserving a heritage rooted in regional history and culture.

Despite its cultural significance, the sake industry faces challenges. Domestic shipments have steadily declined since peaking in 1973, dropping to less than a quarter of that peak by 2023. The competition from other alcoholic drinks and the rise of health-conscious, low-alcohol trends have further strained the market.

However, sake exports have surged, with their value in 2023 reaching four times that of 2014, driven by the global popularity of "washoku," Japan's traditional cuisine. The UNESCO recognition is expected to enhance international awareness and support for sake.

Sake also embodies spiritual traditions, as it has long been associated with religious rituals and offerings to kami (gods). Beyond its technical heritage, the spiritual culture linked to sake must also be preserved. While natural disasters like the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake have impacted breweries, crowdfunding and other efforts have provided support. Sake continues to serve as a symbol of resilience and a source of comfort, carrying the legacy of Japan’s cultural and spiritual identity.

Source:Sake Brewing Custom Gets a Boost from UN Heritage Seal JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. Intangible Cultural Heritage 無形文化遺産
    Passing down an Intangible Cultural Heritage requires the effort of both individuals and communities.
  2. 2. integral 不可欠な、欠かせない、肝要な
    Teamwork is integral to achieving great results in any project.
  3. 3. surge 急増する、急伸する、急上昇する、波のように押し寄せる
    Electricity usage surged during the heatwave.
  4. 4. enhance (質・度合い・能力などをさらに)高める、増す
    A good website design helps enhance user experience.
  5. 5. resilience (病気・不幸・困難・苦境などからの)回復力、立ち直る力、はね返り、弾力
    This material is known for its strength and resilience.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What recognition has Japan's sake brewing culture received from UNESCO?
  2. 2. What challenges does the sake industry face in the domestic market?
  3. 3. What spiritual and cultural roles does sake play in Japanese traditions?
  4. 4. What do you think can be done to help the sake industry overcome its challenges?
  5. 5. How do you feel about the idea of connecting food and drink with cultural identity?


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Weekly News Digest

「酒造」が文化遺産 継承発展の契機としたい










出典:「酒造」が文化遺産 継承発展の契機としたい JAPAN Forward


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