News Discussion
Taste Japan on the Go: Train Bento to Debut at Europe's Largest Rail Hub


Weekly News Digest

Taste Japan on the Go: Train Bento to Debut at Europe's Largest Rail Hub



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


One of the key attractions of long-haul train travel in Japan is the availability of ekiben—boxed meals sold at train stations and onboard. On December 2, three longstanding ekiben makers formed the Ekiben World Team (EWT) to share this unique aspect of Japanese culinary culture with the global market. Their first project will launch in February 2025 with a pop-up shop at Zürich Central Station, Switzerland. The meals, made with locally sourced ingredients (except rice), aim to meet local preferences and regulations while staying true to Japanese flavors. This initiative is driven by declining domestic demand and the rising international appeal of Japanese cuisine.

The EWT comprises Hanazen from Akita, famous for its Torimeshi Bento; Maneki Shokuhin from Hyogo, known for introducing the Makunouchi Bento; and Matsuura Shoten from Aichi, specializing in Nagoya-style dishes like Miso Katsu Ju. Hanazen's president, Shuichi Yagihashi, serves as EWT chairman, while Maneki Shokuhin’s Noritaka Takeda is vice-chairman.

During a press conference, Yagihashi emphasized the organization's vision of offering diverse ekiben choices to global consumers through collaboration. Their Zürich shop, open from February 5–27, 2025, is part of the celebrations following the 160th anniversary of Swiss-Japanese diplomatic relations in 2024, supported by Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.

The pop-up will feature six varieties of ekiben, such as Hanazen’s Veggie Sushi Bento, Maneki Shokuhin’s Gyumeshi Bento, and Matsuura Shoten’s Large Shrimp Tenmusu, with prices ranging from 12 to 22.5 Swiss francs. This reflects Switzerland's higher living costs and wages. Looking ahead, the team plans to export frozen ekibencertified under Europe's HACCP system by 2026. Their long-term goal is to sell 15,000 ekibenannually across Europe, making authentic Japanese flavors accessible to a broader audience.

Source:Taste Japan on the Go: Train Bento to Debut at Europe's Largest Rail Hub JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. availability 利用できること、入手できること、利用可能性、入手可能性
    The availability of fresh fruits depends on the season.
  2. 2. culinary culture 食文化
    The festival aims to promote the culinary culture of local farmers.
  3. 3. stay true to ~に忠実である、あり続ける
    The artist stayed true to her original style throughout her career.
  4. 4. comprise ~を構成する、~から成る、~を含む
    The exhibition comprises works from both modern and classic artists.
  5. 5. authentic 本物の、正真正銘の、信頼の置ける、確実な
    Tourists love to experience authentic local culture when they travel.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. When and where will the Ekiben World Team (EWT) launch its first project?
  2. 2. Why are the prices of ekiben higher in Switzerland compared to Japan?
  3. 3. What is the EWT’s long-term goal for their frozen ekiben by 2026?
  4. 4. Do you think Japanese food is becoming more popular worldwide? Why or why not?
  5. 5. Have you ever experienced a cultural or food tradition from another country? How was it different from your own?


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Weekly News Digest

「EKIBEN」を世界へ 老舗駅弁3社が協力組織を結成、来年2月にスイスで初販売


創業100年を超える駅弁の老舗3社が2日、駅弁の世界展開を目指す組織「EKIBEN WORLD TEAM(EWT)」を立ち上げ、来年2月にスイスのチューリヒ中央駅にて駅弁を期間限定で販売すると発表した。今回はコメ以外の食材を現地で仕入れて調理して提供するが、将来は日本で作った駅弁を冷凍輸出し、本場の味を現地で展開したい考えだ。少子高齢化などで日本の駅弁需要が減少する中、和食人気が高まる海外での市場開拓を狙う。







出典:「EKIBEN」を世界へ 老舗駅弁3社が協力組織を結成、来年2月にスイスで初販売 JAPAN Forward


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