News Discussion
Can US Steel Survive? The Fallout of Biden's 'National Security' Decision


Weekly News Digest

Can US Steel Survive? The Fallout of Biden's 'National Security' Decision



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


President Joe Biden's decision to block Nippon Steel's acquisition of US Steel has significant ramifications. Nippon Steel had planned to modernize US Steel with advanced technology and invest $2.7 billion to enhance its facilities, aiming to strengthen its US base and form a US-Japan alliance to counter China's dominance in the global steel market. However, the rejection under the guise of national security forces Nippon Steel to revise its growth strategy while leaving US Steel without its most capable partner. Even the United Steelworkers Union (USW), which opposed the deal, may ultimately face adverse consequences.

US Steel's CEO, David Burritt, warned that rejecting the takeover could end Pittsburgh's legacy as the "Steel City." Despite protectionist measures, US Steel's decision to sell itself reflected the limitations of government support. Without Nippon Steel's technology, achieving true manufacturing competitiveness appears unlikely.

Cleveland-Cliffs, another potential buyer, introduces anti-trust concerns, while former Vice President Mike Pence criticized the decision for risking thousands of jobs in industrial regions. Meanwhile, Nippon Steel may redirect its focus to high-growth markets like India, as hopes for a US-Japan alliance to counter China's influence dwindle.

China remains the world's largest steel producer, flooding the market with excess supply and undermining fair pricing. Biden's decision may have safeguarded national security in principle, but it failed to address the broader challenges facing the US steel industry. Instead, it left US Steel, its shareholders, and employees at a disadvantage. As the steel industry faces global competition and a critical crossroads, the rejection raises questions about who truly benefits and what future awaits American steel production.

Source:Can US Steel Survive? The Fallout of Biden's 'National Security' Decision JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. acquisition (企業の)買収;獲得、習得
    The tech giant spent billions on the acquisition of innovative startups.
  2. 2. ramification 予期しない影響・問題・結果;分岐、支流
    Miscommunication in the workplace can lead to serious ramifications.
  3. 3. under the guise of ~の名目で、~を装って、~のふりをして、~に見せかけて
    The organization operated under the guise of a charity but was actually for profit.
  4. 4. takeover 企業買収、企業取得;引き継ぎ、引き取り
    A major conglomerate planned a takeover of the local factory.
  5. 5. redirect (~を)向け直す;リダイレクトする、あて名を書き換える
    The teacher decided to redirect the students' energy into a productive project.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. Why did President Biden reject Nippon Steel's acquisition of US Steel, and what were the consequences of this decision?
  2. 2. How does China's role in the global steel market relate to the challenges faced by the US steel industry?
  3. 3. Do you think protectionist policies, like blocking foreign acquisitions, benefit or harm a country's economy in the long run? Why?
  4. 4. Have you seen or learned about industries in your country that struggled due to competition with foreign companies? What solutions do you think could help?
  5. 5. If you were the CEO of a company, how would you respond to a government blocking a major deal? What steps would you take?


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出典:最大の敗者はUSスチールに日鉄の買収計画頓挫、続く中国鉄鋼生産の支配力 JAPAN Forward


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