News Discussion
Survey: Inflation Is Still the Public's Top Concern


Weekly News Digest

Survey: Inflation Is Still the Public's Top Concern



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


In a public opinion survey on national life released by the Cabinet Office by December 21, 66.1% of respondents identified "inflation measures" as the government's top policy priority. This represents a 2.0-point decrease from the previous survey conducted in March, but it remains the most frequently cited concern for the second consecutive survey.

Meanwhile, 52.0% of respondents stated they are "satisfied" or "somewhat satisfied" with their standard of life, a 3.0-point increase. This likely reflects the impact of rising prices and wage increases.

In addition to inflation measures, respondents highlighted other key priorities for the government:

Healthcare, pensions, and other social security improvements (64.6%)
Economic stimulus measures (58.7%)
Measures for an aging society (52.2%)
Countermeasures for declining births (39.0%)

Regarding income and earnings, 34.9% of respondents said they are "satisfied" or "somewhat satisfied," up 3.5 points from the previous survey. Meanwhile, those who are "dissatisfied" or "somewhat dissatisfied" fell by 3.5 points to 64.5%.

The survey was conducted via mail in August and September. It targeted 3,000 men and women aged 18 and older and had a response rate of 61.0%.

Source:Survey: Inflation Is Still the Public's Top Concern JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. respondent (アンケートなどの)回答者、応答者
    Some respondents expressed dissatisfaction with their income.
  2. 2. inflation measures インフレ対策
    People hope the inflation measures will reduce living costs.
  3. 3. consecutive 連続した、連続する
    She won the championship for three consecutive years.
  4. 4. countermeasure (危険・脅威、相手の策・行動などへの)対抗策、対応策
    The company introduced countermeasures against cyberattacks.
  5. 5. fall by X points Xポイント減少する
    Sales figures fell by 10 points compared to last month.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What percentage of respondents identified "inflation measures" as the top policy priority?
  2. 2. How did the percentage of people satisfied with their standard of life change from the previous survey?
  3. 3. What are some other key priorities for the government mentioned in the survey?
  4. 4. Do you feel satisfied with your standard of life? Why or why not?
  5. 5. What do you think is the most important problem your government should solve? Why?


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Weekly News Digest







出典:政府に望むのは「物価対策」66% 2回連続最多、内閣府世論調査 JAPAN Forward


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