News Discussion
No More Soggy Straws: Starbucks Japan Debuts Bio-Plastic Alternative


Weekly News Digest

No More Soggy Straws: Starbucks Japan Debuts Bio-Plastic Alternative



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


In January, Starbucks Japan introduced new bio-plastic straws at all 32 of its Okinawa stores, replacing paper ones. This change aligns with the company's ongoing efforts to combat marine pollution caused by plastic waste.

Starbucks stores in Japan began switching from plastic to paper straws in January 2020. Now, the company is introducing bio-plastic straws, which have a lower carbon footprint and offer superior water resistance. This means customers can enjoy their Frappuccinos without having to contend with soggy straws.

Starbucks chose Okinawa for the initial rollout because its cold drink sales percentage in the region is approximately 15 points higher than the national average. The company will start introducing the new straws nationwide starting in early March.

According to Starbucks, these bio-plastics are made from non-petroleum-based materials that naturally decompose in the environment. They are also lighter than paper, which helps reduce waste.

Daisuke Furukawa, Starbucks' head of sustainability, explained, "We focused on balancing usability with environmental considerations."

The bio-plastics are created through a unique process. Microorganisms consume vegetable oil and produce polymers as an energy source, storing them in their cells, similar to how humans store fat. This extracted material is then used to manufacture the straws.

Source:No More Soggy Straws: Starbucks Japan Debuts Bio-Plastic Alternative JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. align with 〜と一致する、合う;~と強調する、提携する
    This policy aligns with the company’s commitment to sustainability.
  2. 2. contend with (問題などに)対処する、取り組む;~と戦う
    Scientists are contending with the effects of climate change.
  3. 3. non-petroleum-based 非石油由来の、非石油系の
    Non-petroleum-based fuels are considered more environmentally friendly.
  4. 4. decompose (物質が)分解する、腐敗する;(物質を)分解する、腐敗させる
    The fallen leaves decompose and enrich the soil with nutrients.
  5. 5. microorganism 微生物
    Microorganisms in the soil improve plant growth.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. Why did Starbucks Japan introduce bio-plastic straws in Okinawa first?
  2. 2. How are the bio-plastic straws made?
  3. 3. What is Starbucks Japan’s goal in using bio-plastic straws?
  4. 4. Do you think changing straws can really help the environment? Why or why not?
  5. 5. What other small changes can businesses make to be more eco-friendly?


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Weekly News Digest







出典:スタバが新ストローを沖縄で導入バイオプラで「使い心地と環境配慮両立」3月から全国へ JAPAN Forward


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