News Discussion
Japan's Wasabi Shortage: Is Climate-Controlled Farming the Answer?


Weekly News Digest

Japan's Wasabi Shortage: Is Climate-Controlled Farming the Answer?



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


A Tokyo-based agricultural startup, NEXTAGE, is cultivating high-grade wasabi in Yokohama using advanced technology. The variety, called Mazuma Wasabi, is highly regarded for its well-balanced aroma, spiciness, sweetness, and bitterness. NEXTAGE has partnered with Macnica, a company specializing in semiconductors and IT equipment, to develop a small plant for wasabi cultivation in Yokohama. The system ensures consistent production through data analysis, making it less vulnerable to weather conditions and labor shortages.

Demand for wasabi is rising due to the growing popularity of Japanese cuisine, but supply has struggled to keep pace. This initiative aims to bridge the supply-demand gap while introducing an agricultural method that minimizes dependence on environmental and human factors.

In March 2024, Macnica installed a wasabi cultivation module next to its headquarters. The module is a 40-foot (approximately 12-meter) shipping container equipped with five-tiered shelves, allowing for the hydroponic cultivation of up to 1,800 wasabi plants (approximately 90 kilograms).

Inside the container, air conditioning and dehumidifiers regulate the atmosphere. LED lighting provides necessary illumination, while purified water is continuously circulated at controlled temperatures.

NEXTAGE developed the cultivation module, incorporating sensors that monitor door usage to ensure optimal air circulation. By visualizing internal conditions, the system enables remote monitoring. This allows wasabi to be grown without reliance on weather conditions or specialized farming expertise.

Wasabi is notoriously difficult to cultivate due to its strict water and soil management requirements. It is particularly susceptible to typhoons and floods. Among various wasabi varieties, Mazuma Wasabi requires an especially long growing period — up to two years. Faster-growing seed-grown varieties take 12 to 15 months. However, it is highly prized for its deep aroma, rich texture, and superior flavor, making it the preferred choice for premium Japanese cuisine such as sashimi and sushi.

According to Japan's agriculture ministry, wasabi production in FY 2023 totaled approximately 1,384 tons — just 30% of the 4,600 tons produced in 2005. Cultivation difficulties, combined with a declining number of wasabi farmers, have significantly impacted supply. Meanwhile, global demand for wasabi continues to rise, driven by the popularity of Japanese cuisine.

NEXTAGE's cultivation module has already been adopted by Takamiya, a company specializing in construction materials such as scaffolding. Macnica reports that over 100 companies have visited to observe the system firsthand.

In addition to challenges such as typhoons, floods, and labor shortages, the availability of agricultural land and water resources is becoming increasingly strained.

Yoshiyuki Kurimoto, head of the Solution Business Promotion Office at Macnica's subsidiary TecStar Company, commented, "Given current circumstances, cultivating wasabi using a system independent of environmental and human constraints is essential."

He added, "The demand for such innovative agricultural methods is global, and we are committed to contributing to this field moving forward."

Source:Japan's Wasabi Shortage: Is Climate-Controlled Farming the Answer? JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. be vulnerable to (~に対して)脆弱である、弱い、影響を受けやすい
    Without proper security, personal data is vulnerable to hacking.
  2. 2. incorporate (~を)取り込む、組み込む、取り入れる;<~を>(~と)合体させる;<~を>(~に)合併する;(~を)法人組織にする
    The architect incorporated eco-friendly materials into the building design.
  3. 3. expertise (ある分野の)専門知識(技術・技能)、熟練
    The professor shared her expertise in environmental science with the students.
  4. 4. be susceptible to (~の)影響を受けやすい
    The elderly are susceptible to heatstroke in the summer.
  5. 5. constraint (自由な行動などに対する)制約、制限;強制、束縛
    Budget constraints prevented us from hiring more staff.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. How does the wasabi cultivation module help reduce dependence on weather conditions?
  2. 2. Why has wasabi production decreased since 2005?
  3. 3. What role does Macnica play in NEXTAGE's wasabi cultivation project?
  4. 4. What do you think about using advanced technology to grow plants indoors? Would you be interested in trying this technology for growing plants?
  5. 5. Japanese food is becoming more popular worldwide. What Japanese dish do you think is especially popular among people from other countries? Why?


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Weekly News Digest














出典:最高峰わさび栽培に〝新潮流〟天候や人手不足の影響皆無、日本食ブーム追い風に世界へ JAPAN Forward


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