News Discussion
Littering in Nara: Plastic Found in Stomachs of Dead Deer


Weekly News Digest

Littering in Nara: Plastic Found in Stomachs of Dead Deer



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Nara Prefecture has launched a pilot program to evaluate the impact of reintroducing trash bins to curb littering in Nara Park.

The park is home to the "Nara Deer," a Natural Monument of Japan. In the late 1980s, all trash bins were removed to prevent the animals from rummaging through waste. However, in recent years, reports of deer ingesting litter have prompted authorities to reconsider whether bringing back trash bins could help address the issue.

The Nara Deer have long been revered as sacred animals, based on a legend that a deity from Kasuga Taisha Shrine arrived riding a white deer. Today, about 1,300 Nara deer inhabit the park, feeding on grass and tree nuts.

Currently, the park is maintained by both the prefecture and volunteers. However, as tourism has risen, so has the problem of littering. Six years ago, the nonprofit Nara Deer Preservation Foundation examined 14 deer that had died from unknown causes. They discovered plastic waste in the stomachs of nine of the animals.

In response to this issue, the prefecture installed trash bins at two locations inside and outside the park bus terminal in mid-January as part of a trial program. Two types of bins are being tested, including one that automatically compresses waste to prevent overflow.

The trial will run until mid-February. During this period, authorities will closely monitor the amount and types of waste, as well as track the frequency and timing of littering.

According to the Nara Park Office, plastic bottles and paper cups have been the most commonly discarded items so far.

The head of the prefectural tourism bureau stated, "Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of tourists has increased, and so has the amount of litter. Through this trial, we want to better understand what types of waste are being discarded."

A representative of the volunteer group Nara Deer Support Club, which promotes coexistence with the deer, hopes the initiative will raise awareness of litter's impact. "I hope this encourages people to realize that deer are eating the trash left behind," she said.

Source:Littering in Nara: Plastic Found in Stomachs of Dead Deer JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. curb littering ポイ捨てを抑制する
    The school started a campaign to curb littering among students.
  2. 2. ingest (口から体内に~を)摂取する、飲み込む
    The patient accidentally ingested a small piece of metal.
  3. 3. be revered as 〜として崇められる
    The mountain is revered as a sacred place by locals.
  4. 4. discard (不要な物を)捨てる、廃棄する
    Please discard plastic waste in the recycling bin.
  5. 5. raise awareness of ~に関する意識(関心)を高める
    Celebrities often use social media to raise awareness of important social issues.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What problem has been reported in recent years regarding the Nara Deer?
  2. 2. What is the purpose of the trial program that started in mid-January?
  3. 3. How long will the trial program run, and what will authorities monitor during this period?
  4. 4. Do you think putting trash bins in parks helps reduce littering? Why or why not?
  5. 5. How can we raise awareness about the importance of keeping public places clean?


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Weekly News Digest









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